Hubby’s Huge Peen Always Gets Me Bruised & He Wants It Every Day

My post is a bit of a TMI but I’m happy it’s anonymous…lol.
I am married to a man with a very huge peen. It’s 9″ long and about 6.5″ thick when fully erected. I know because we were asked to measure it when we visited the hospital. We have a very active sex life and my husband is very good and gentle in bed. However, because of the size of his peen, he always sees to it that I’m fully aroused before any bed dancing. Romance is a “BIG DEAL” if he wants to come in, which he’s very good at since I need to be very wet (which I do) for easy penetration.
My hubby loves sex a lot. I mean he loves to be inside me. If it would take him hours to get me aroused for sex, he’s ever ready, just to get what he wants. He makes love to me every single day and sometimes twice a day. I orgasm twice within a single intercourse before my hubby anytime we make love but despite our great sex life, I also get bruised a lot.
We agreed to reduce the number of times we have intercourse to a few times a week since it drains me out sometimes and I’m a stay-at-home mother working from home, still I get bruised.
Even during ovulation when I find sex most satisfying as I get in the mood easily and get wet a lot, sex with him is painful. I usually want it deep and hard which will mean hitting my cervix and it can be quite painful after the act, leaving me bruised with abdominal pains for days.
I’ve been to the hospital and we were advised to try different positions including me being on top which is super since I get to control it. However, it can be boring doing the same thing over and over again. Doggy style leaves me severely bruised with abdominal pains, so, it’s a no go area.
I love my hubby very very much because he’s a good man who has my interest at heart. He will do virtually anything for me, if it’s within his means. So, because of that I don’t want to complain too much about the one thing he loves which I can offer. And that is why I’m here today.
I would like to hear from experienced people in the house about positions that does not encourage deep penetration. Your tips or advise will also be much appreciated. Thank you all in advance.
Oops! gonna read & learn from others
let me give way for our experienced mamas in d house
Hahaha.. You better do. You made laugh.
The Lord is ur strength
You didn’t mention lubricants in your post.If you’ve not tried that,I think that should ease the discomfort.
Like you said earlier the cow girl position will be highly needed here since u will be able to control the movement or you use a lubricant
No ideal
Try KY Jelly.
Dnt know any
My dear wat I need to let u know is dt ur hubby is not meant to be having hot sex with u ad he shld NT be penetrating deep ad he shld lubricate himself b4 moving in
Try the side position , lie on your side and allow your hubby to come from the back,while your leg is raised.
Nice one dear…. I like it
it’s only God that will help you. However, try Lubricant available at your disposal.
I have little or no experience on this one. This one pass me.
Try spoon position
Try spoon position.
Your guy may have experience with other girls before you two met but every woman is different. One may be able to take it and one may find it difficult taking a peen that huge. It does not matter if you’ve had vaginal birth 100times. Once your veejey shrinks back sex with a huge peen becomes an issue. My ex couldn’t understand why i was complaining bcos he was used to girls finding it enjoyable without being wounded. I loved him but he was not patient and too proud. But i’m glad your man is patient with you.
Having a guy that huge can easily get you bruised no matter how gentle he is. Guys that huge are also very good in arousing women. So it’s not like her hubby is making hot sex with her. You can all read from the post that the two are trying hard to make it enjoyable and less or no pain for her.
The thing abt huge peen is the girth. Sex can be ok if he’s long and not that big.but if he’s big and long then friction alone can get you bruised no matter how gentle the guy is.
Didn’t you do anything before marriage? I’m guessing so because i’m sure you would’ve run away looong time..hehehe. Just messing with you.
1)Like i said before.. Place a pillow on your abdomen when doing the missionary position and SPREAD THOSE LEGS to allow access. The pillow will automatically prevent him from coming in too deep and you’ll enjoy every bit and come out bruise free Tried and tested, u know?lol.
2)Let him enter you from the side when lying sideways. DO NOT OPEN YOUR LEG once he’s in. I repeat DO NOT OPEN YOUR LEGS most especially if you are a very slim person with a small butt. You can easily get ripped if you do. You can tilt your body for easy access. You may place a folded towel in the middle of your hip bone which will be around your man’s abdomen. That way you can open your legs WIDE and you’ll have a swell time without much friction.
3)Lie flat on your back and let him enter you from behind. Just like doggy style but this time around you are laying flat on your back. Lift your hip up a bit and allow him enter. Once he’s in, lower your hip flat on the bed. CLOSE YOUR LEGS ONCE HE’S IN.
This was my favourite style anyways and you can experience multiple orgasm and again COME OUT BRUISED
4)Have him sit on a chair and sit on his lap. Place a small pillow or folded towel on his laps before sitting. It will raise your bum bum a bit higher while you control the movement.
Tip no 3) i meant to say lay flat on your stomach not back.
Nicely written………Knowledgeable now
I get pissed when i hear ppl saying google google especially in matters like this one. It’s not easy finding solutions on google sometimes.
Now, i know there are the lazy ones who will bring anything on the page but in this poster’s case only people with much experience can understand and advise her. It’s very difficult to come out and talk about such things with people. They’ll either judge you or say ” when its big, problem, when its small,problem” just like ppl are commenting on the page. I made the mistake of opening up to someone that i thought had the experienced only for her to laugh at me and tell me how childish i was.
It took me time to be able to find the best position which made me enjoy sex wy fiance then( now ex) and we were together for more than 5yrs. So i understand the poster very well. It’s very enjoyable( multiple orgasm and all)but it’s also very easy to slip and go deep when both are excited.
I know for sure that my tips will help her and i did not even find them on google.
Having a man that huge means a lube is your best friend. But incase you don’t use it often, i’ll suggest you still apply it even when you are wet. A man with a pern as huge as your wrist( dnt mind means being extra extra and extra wet. Cos his thing will virtually fill up your entire vagine hole. Just being frank with you.
I really wish i know you in person cos there’s so much i want to share that i can’
Reading comments
Guys reduce ur peen
Problem. If d thing big problem. If d thing small problem
Lucky you ma’am, not all men have the patience n self control required for long foreplay. Since u get bruised easily, I recommend u use a lot of lubrication even after foreplay then choose styles where you get to control the level of penetration, e.g, spoon style, cowgirl n reverse cowgirl positions. Finally, pls make sure u have vaginal cream handy, e.g, mycoten vaginal cream with applicator. It helps the bruises heal faster from inside and then take drugs to relieve ur pain. Vaginal bruises happens to most women, it’s no big deal. Good luck ma’am, may the Lord bless ur home.
Avoid deep penetration, dats the only way you can avoid bruises.
Hmmm, lol.
I agree with Nkechi Egbufor and Yesu Ye. Sorry dear.
No experience here….just reading comments. Sorry ma.
well informed now, thanks to MIM & Yesu Ye
Yesu Ye nailed it
Up Yesu
OMG..???. Just i least expected. Glad i opened the website.
Yesu Ye.. Thanks for the tips. We’re all learning.
A special thanks to Yesu Ye. God bless you for taking the time to comment. We once tried the tip no. 4 but without the towel. It was ok but there was discomfort. Placing a folded towel on his lap sounds logical to me.
I also tried tip 3 without the folded towel. It’s actually been good but he’s always on a watch not to go “slip.” Lol. I think the towel is a very great idea. I’m glad we can relate in this matter.
Yeah, his girth is bigger than my wrist and to answer your question, yes i wouldn’t have married him if i knew before hand the package he was carrying. He’s a good man really but sex with him has not been easy. I married as a virgin and you can imagine how it felt. He was patient with me though. But after the first encounter( 2 months after our wedding), it took about half a year before i was mentally prepared to allow him make love to me again. He’s a very patient man and i bless God for that.
Like you Yesu ye. My hubby had had experience with other girls. Many girls actually and none complained. He was a bad boy before he became a christian. So he was shocked that i couldn’t take it after we were married. And i never told him i was a virgin untill our wedding night and you know?… Lol. I had to confess immediately.hahahaha. This is a man i dated for 3yrs and he never touched me. He respected my values as a christian.
I had a feeling that i was going to hear from you, poster. So i kept checking and checking. Glad to see your response.
You kidding me?. He broke your virginity with that? Oh my god. Girl friend you may have gone through alot. Sorry oo.
The guy who broke my virginity was in the 7″s and i bled for days even though he was gentle( guy before my ex). I’m sure he ripped you..hahaha.( dont mind me)
You seem to have a good man and i’m happy for you. Just keep trying different styles and positions and i’m sure you’ll be fine at the end of the day. Big is good, let be frank. I personally enjoyed it alot when i was able to come up with the positions that helped.
Are you slim or on the big side? Are you short or tall? I know you don’t want me to see who you are on facebook thats why you reached out here. I’m ok with that. We can still talk here.
Lol… You’re funny, you know.
Big is not always better in my opinion. It’s not like there’s no enjoyment but the aftermath is not funny at all.
I’m quite slim and short too. Why do you ask?
Oh poster, how i wish i could see who you are on fb..Lol.. I asked so i could advise you on whether to use the towels or not. But since you are slim, you probably need extrat support( towel or pillow) so these tips are appropriate for you. You’ll be fine. Trust me.
You talk like you’re newly married. Don’t know if you had your kid(s) naturally or via csection. If you had your kid(s) via C Section, your down there is tighter than one who had normal delivery. It may be one of the reasons why you still get bruised but a great position can help.
I have 3kids. My first two were via CSection and my man is also on the big side but not as yours These positions helped alot. But I saw a tremendous difference when i had my 3rd child vaginally. Seems the muscles there relaxed a bit. Now i enjoy it without having to position myself properly but still watchful not to hit my cervix though. But i don’t get bruise any more.
Yeah right..hahaha. You’ll soon start saying bigger is better.
Try some of the styles this weekend*wink*
And update us about your experience…hehehe. Pleaasssse.
I’m curious. Because i know you’ll have fun doing those styles.
Thank you… Yesu Ye. Lol.
I now agree with you on something but i’m not gonna
Yaaay.. Hahahaha. I’m so so happy for you.
It worked it worked it Really, i’m happy.
Bigger is better.. Hahaha. Didn’t i tell you.
Now, You enjoy your “new” You made my day dear.
I think i need to start writing a Just kidding.
Really learning
Chai!!!! I have a feeling I know this poster. Hahaha.
I see. Smh
LOL. This is getting more interesting. So you know the poster? @ yvonne I’m curious. She seems quite young in her
Pls i need ur advice on dis matter. My man has a very small dick and i dnt enjoy sex wit him atall. Pls is there anyway we could make our sexual life more enjoyable
Who are you asking? Admin or the poster? Kikikiki
Noted yesu
Pls MIM,I have a problm,am a baeutful chocolate lady wit hairs on my hands,thighs and p*part.Well curved and black colored.I always shaved it bcos of discomfort bt my husband always dislike wen I shave it,sayin he cum quick during love makin on sighti it. Pls help me wit advice,shuld I shave it or wat?