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Curb Your Child’s Sweet Tooth Using These Simple Tips

Curb Your Child’s Sweet Tooth Using These Simple Tips

Eyinade Eweje

For most parents, getting children to opt less for processed or prepackaged foods and settle for healthier options such as fruits, nuts and vegetables is often a challenge. Try out these simple tips to curb your child’s cravings for sugar-laden treats and help them develop a knack for healthy snacking…

1. Stock your refrigerator with more fresh, tasty fruits and vegetables such as apples, bananas, watermelons, oranges, carrots, and so on which will also satisfy your child’s sweet tooth. The idea is to make these available regularly as substitutes to fizzy drinks and processed snacks.

In addition, let them see you eating these healthier options with relish, then ask if they’ll like to have a bite. You’ll be surprised they’ll develop an appetite for such snacks in no time.

2. Replace your cookie jar with a bowl of dried nuts and keep the bowl on the dining table for better accessibility.

READ ALSO: 10 Ways to Help Your Child Develop Healthy Eating Habits

3. Always prepare healthy smoothies and fresh juices with fruits, veggies, nuts, and other healthy ingredients. You may also blend fresh fruit juice with Greek yoghurt. Let your kids know while these are tasty like fizzy drinks, they are way healthier. Invite them to decide what ingredients to include and help with the preparation.

4. Encourage eating healthily when away from home, especially at school, by always packing a tasty and colourful lunch, including their favourite fruits and vegetables.

Remember, if they always see you munching on ice cream, cookies, chocolates, and chips, they’ll always question your zeal to have them eat the healthier options you’re offering. So, set a worthy example while you keep emphasizing the benefits of opting for less processed foods and drinks.

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