Woman Diagnosed With Cancer Healed After Her Mum Googled Treatments

A 31-year-old woman who was given two weeks to live has had her cancer healed after her mum googled treatments.
Angel Tocknell, mum-of-two, from Sutton, Surrey after being diagnosed with cervical cancer across her pelvis, ovaries and cervix and given 2-weeks to live (because doctors couldn’t operate it as her tumors were so big) has made an incredible recovery, according to Mirror news.
Following the report of the doctors, Angel’s mum, Kathy who was so desperate to find alternative cure for her daughter’s cancer went online to get help and she discovered Brachytherapy, which blasts cancer cells with radioactive beams. Angel responded well to the treatment.
Angel says, ”The thought of dying was terrifying. My mum refused to give up on me even when there was no treatment available. It took me just 3-months from being told I was terminal to being rid of the cancer.”

Google is your friend
Thank God for the miracle.
All tnkx to God
What a mighty God we serve
Nothing short of a miracle this is. Happy for her.
Thank God for her life
thank God for her
The power of research, bless God
This is interesting. Wow………..
Thank God for her healing.I don’t joke with Google.It has come in handy in my family several times
Mothers go extral miles for their children…. God bless every mother and to be mum’s
God is good! Thanks God for her mother
It can only be God