Sad! Two Girls Lose Their Lives After Undergoing Botched Female Circumcision

Two girls, a teenager from Sierra Leone, and a 10-year-old from Guinea, reportedly lost their lives recently, following a botched female circumcision.
According to police reports, the teenager, Fatmata Turay, died after she was circumcised in an initiation ceremony in the village of Mabolleh in north Sierra Leone.
The three women involved, including the girl’s aunt, have been arrested, ChannelnewsAsia gathered, as the country’s vice minister of social affairs, Rugiatu Turay, vows the circumstances which led to the girl’s death will be investigated.
READ ALSO: Nigerian Mum of Triplets Flees Father-in-law to Save Daughters From Circumcision
Fatmata‘s death reportedly came just days after the earlier mentioned 10-year-old girl in Makpozou, Guinea, died in a circumcision camp for young girls.
Following the death of the young girl, Guinea’s government urged communities that practice female genital mutilation, FGM to “stop sacrificing the girls,” and said it was committed to the fight against the “vile practice.”
Female circumcision is common in West Africa, where it is considered a female rite of passage, and about 90 percent of women in Guinea and Sierra Leone undergo the agonizing process.
Information gathered claims Sierra Leone recently ratified a 2003 African Union protocol that seeks to ban FGM.
Photo credit: Google Images
Sad news……Those involved should be arrested
STOP Female Genital Mutilation
What is it with people and FGM? Africans need to stop this shit.
Na wao
Now that an innocent child is dead, it’s a wake-up call for the government
are people still this barbaric
So sad
I wish this barbaric practice would just go extinct someday.
Smh! The parents/guardians prefer sacrificing their girls to please the community