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Vaginal Birth After Caesarian

Vaginal Birth After Caesarian

Is VBAC or Virginal Birth After Caesarian section possible? Very much so, evidenced by yours truly. Every time I mention to anyone that I did have a natural birth after my first delivery, which was by Cesarian section, the news is met with either confusion as to how I could take such a risk, to disbelief that turns to relief that it is in fact possible.

For decades it has always been thought and indeed practiced. Once you have a Cesarean section, you are sentenced to more sections in your future pregnancy. This was borne from the premise that the incision may be affected by the heavier weeks of the next pregnancy or rupture during delivery. This is in fact a possibility but its occurrence is low and tied to causes such as using an epidural which can thin your previous scar.

Thankfully, this myth is slowly being dispelled. Women are now being encouraged to have their babies naturally after a c-section as long as there is at least 16 months between pregnancies to give the incision time to heal. After this time, the risks of having a natural birth are no greater than the risks of having a repeat cesarean.

Finding a health care provider that can monitor the babies heart rate during labour, will help detect any distress from your baby that may signify a rupture.

The Best part about having a VBAC is that you have a much quicker recovery time, when having a toddler to deal with and a baby at the same time will be trying. However, there may  be situations where a VBAC is not the best course depending on why you had a Cesarean in the first place, or if you are carrying more than one baby. A qualified and honest OB/GYN is really the best to advice you.


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Ref: BabyCentre

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