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Hollywood Star Katherine Heigl Shares Her Pregnancy Experience

Hollywood Star Katherine Heigl Shares Her Pregnancy Experience

Katherine Heigl is 5-weeks pregnant, and she is sharing how her pregnancy experience was.

In this interview, while gracing the cover of the recent issue of People, the Hollywood mom, tells how she always felt that she was going to be one of those women who would not just have the pregnancy glow. Despite her back aches, nausea and constant burping, she says she found it pretty easy and is very thankful to have experienced it.

“I’ve never been determined to experience pregnancy, but I’m so grateful that I did. I think that if it hadn’t been a surprise, I’m not sure I would have done it. It was an incredible experience, it was kind of magical. I think it all threw me for a loop, For some reason I just felt like it was going to be so hard for me … I have all these stomach issues all the time and my back always hurts. I thought, ‘Oh, pregnancy is going to wreck me, I am going to be one of those women who’s just probably sick the whole time and feels terrible and exhausted. But I just had a pretty easy experience.” She said.


The Big Wedding star welcomed her first biological son, Joshua jr, alongside husband, Josh Kelley, and adopted daughters, Naleigh  8, and Adalaide, 4, on December 20th. Although adoption has always been important to Heigl, the 38-year-old told People that she only recently started considering becoming pregnant.

She described her impromptu C-section delivery as nerve wrecking but quick. The 38 year old mum, however said that she preferred the adoption process to pregnancy/childbirth because one could step away from all the post partum blues.

“One minute you’re weirdly obsessed with this baby, like ‘Don’t take him out of my sight,’ and the next you’re kind of blue, you’re a little sad and a little freaked out, I actually prefer the adoption way because I wasn’t subject to hormones.”  she said

Feeling vulnerable to those hormones were however the only difference she faced in raising her children. She however wouldn’t have had it another way.

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Photo Credit: People & ABC

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