8 Nipple Facts Every Woman Needs to Know

Every woman needs to be very aware and sensitive about her breasts because they are are the source of life to your children, and pleasure to you and your partner.
Here are some facts about nipples every woman should be aware of:
1. They come in different colors
They can be from dark brown, to dark black, light brown, to almost blending in with your skin colour. Nipple pigment has to do with a woman’s ethnic background and the hue of the rest of her skin. Just as nipple size changes when you have a baby, so does nipple color, and that shift in shade is often permanent.
2. Nipple orgasms are real
Nipple stimulation is linked to the pleasure center of the brain. A study by the Journal Of Sexual Medicine reveals that nipple stimulation alone could result in orgasms – something sex researchers previously concluded could only be experienced by a small number of women.
3. Sometimes, you can have 3 of them
The National Institution Of Medicine concluded that a man or woman can have more than the normal two nipples. These extra nipples are called “supernumerary nipples”. They might resemble a mole or mark. They never develop into actual breasts, and they can show up anywhere on the body.
4. The skin around your nipple is meant to be a bit bumpy
Ever wondered why the skin around the nipple is so rough, sometimes bringing out whitish fluid, not from the nipple itself? Well research tells us that it is absolutely normal. “Those bumps on the areola can be hair follicles, ducts, or oil glands that produce lubricating fluid, it’s totally normal to have them,” says Alyssa Dweck, a gynecologist.
5. Nipples don’t like the nursing process
Your baby has to feed. You agree to that. Even though your nipples do not resist, the soreness, pain, cracking and bleeding at the initial stage can really be a lot of pressure on your girls. These are just some of the consequences of having a hungry newborn attached to your nipples several times a day
6. Nipples leak milk
You might want to keep an extra blouse in your bag, once you are nursing, because your nipples will leak milk. It is very common and happens to all women. Its advisable to have nipple pads/cloths around. Some nursing women say that the sound of a baby crying triggers their milk supply to double in excess.
7. They are capable of excellent pleasure
Nipples are an erogenous (sensitive to sexual stimulation) zone for a lot of women. The same study by the Journal of Sexual Medicine backs this up. Using an MRI scan, researchers found that when nipples are stimulated, a pleasure center inside the brain lights up the same way it lights up after stimulation of the clitoris and vagina.
8. Nipple discharge can be a warning sign
A discharge that is white or creamy released on its own, without you squeezing the breast could be a sign of a non-cancerous growth in the brain. Medical professionals say that a green or black discharge can tip you off to a benign duct problem (a non cancerous breast growth). And bloody discharge might mean breast cancer. If you experience any of these, bring it to your doctor’s attention.
Thanks for sharing
Very well noted. Thanks.
Wow,,, this is superb…
All noted..
thanx mim
Thanks MIM