“I would do it in two seconds” – Kris Jenner Offers to be a Surrogate for Kim Kardashian’s Third Child

Reality TV star mum, Kris Jenner, 61, has revealed that she would love to be Kim Kardashian’s surrogate for her third child if it were possible.
The matriarch revealed this in Sunday’s episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians.
Kim, who is mother of daughter, North and son, Saint with husband, Kanye West, suffers from placenta accrete, which causes multiple complications during pregnancy and birth. Kim has been warned she could bleed to death if she tries to have another child (read here).
Kris offered to carry Kim’s third baby if it was safe for her to do so, Sun News reports.
And in the latest episode of “Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” Kim asks her mother if she’ll carry her baby for her after finding out that Kris is healthy enough to do it.
READ ALSO: Kim Kardashian Reveals Plans to have a Third Child Against Doctors’ Advice
It had all started when Kris got a letter from a lawyer whose married clients were interested in buying her eggs because they were unable to conceive naturally.
They said they wanted Kris’ egg because she has an “impressive track record in producing successful and outstanding offspring”. As Kris read the letter to Kim and Kourtney, Kourtney, Kris’ eldest daughter, did not think the request made any sense and she told her mother as much.
“It’s definitely a compliment that somebody wants to purchase your eggs, but she’s 61. I don’t think she has any eggs. That is absolutely ridiculous,” Kourtney said.
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Kim then asked a surprise question out of the blues.
“Do you want to carry mine?” Kim asked her mother upon hearing that she was willing to donate her egg to a stranger if she could.
Kris replied:
“If I really thought that I could carry it for you and it would be born OK, I would do it in two seconds. I really would.”
Kourtney, also offered to be a surrogate for Kim.
”I already offered myself so don’t act like you’re the only Mother Theresa in here,” Kourtney chimed in.
The letter read: ”My client and his wife have tried unsuccessfully for years to have their own children, and request herein the opportunity to speak with you about egg donation.
Your impressive track record in producing successful and outstanding offspring has attracted my client’s interest in your genetics. He and his wife believe that an offspring with your DNA will fit seamlessly into their royal lineage.”
The European aristocrat said they would give her a “generous compensation” for one of her eggs and they would need physical and psychological evaluations if she agreed to the contract.
Kim thought her mom should “go for it”.
Kris was completely overwhelmed by the “fairytale offer” saying: “Can you imagine if I had a child that grew up in a castle in Europe and it was royalty? I could design a crest.”
Kris later scheduled an appointment with Dr. Wong Huang to find out if it would even be possible for her to donate an egg at her age, but was told that her eggs weren’t viable.
“It was kind of fun to fantasize for a second. I was so flattered by the offer that someone thought that much of me that they would want to do that. I just wanted to go check it out, so silly I know,” she said.
However, her doctor did say she could carry a baby to term prompting Kim, who has been warned not to get pregnant again, to ask if she’ll carry her baby.
Photo credit: Instagram
Awwwwww what a mother can do for their child. But Kris likes money oh for considering to give her egg out.