Tanzanian Model Battling Endometriosis Defiles All Odds as She Welcomes Baby Boy

One of Africa’s most celebrated runway queen and model Milen Magese also known as Ladiva Millen gave birth to a baby boy a week ago in Columbia. She shared this on Instagram.
The Tanzanian supermodel Magese, who was reasonably private about the condition for sometime before she revealed it to the world said she underwent an egg-retrieval procedure in order to save her eggs, for a chance to have children in the future.
In August 2014 issue of Radiant Health Magazine, the Tanzanian beauty spoke candidly about having endometriosis and how she has been battling since she was 25 years old. She revealed this when it was becoming something she could not control. She said:
“I was not always open about it until my wake-up call in February. I was only able to produce three eggs. It takes its toll on you emotionally, in addition to the financial commitment involved. And when the trail to save my fallopian tubes came to naught, it was at this point that I decided to talk about it.”
Endometriosis is a disorder in which the membranes that are supposed to line the inside of the uterus extend outside of it, causing severe pain during menstruation because they can’t be broken down and shed.
Magese revealed she was diagnosed with the condition of endometriosis when she was just 25 as it was the least thing she ever thought could happen to her. She confessed that the condition had a negative effect on her career, and personal relationships.
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The BET award wining model has been battling the health condition for the past 13 years now. According to her it has been a traumatic yet inspiring experience even though it slowed down her career. She grew stronger.
Following her health condition and the lack of awareness about Endometriosis amonsgt women, Magese started an endometriosis awareness campaign via her foundation, which she called Endometriosis Africa.
The excited new mother was so thankful and grateful as she took to Instagram to share a photo of her cuddling a new born baby boy while in her clinical wear and wrote beautiful captions recalling how it all started, struggle, the pains and her God-given-miracle:
“It’s a week since I first hold you in my arms. I’m still trying to absorb the whole thing. This will probably be the longest caption I ever written but please bare with me ????. Through my scars you brought me a Star ⭐️ Jehova you lifted me higher today. Father Lord , I’m acknowledging you for who you’re and for what you’ve done in my life .
You must want to change your story for miracles to work. Miracles happens in such a mysterious way. I wanted my story to change so I prayed harder , i took risks ,bold steps with no fear and sympathy. I kept my faith higher than just HOPE. I believed He would hear me out. Father I thank you ,through me you showed your Power. I’m grateful .
Last year around this time I lost an embryo #ZoeKhloe. June 30th 2016 . It was so painful to bare but father Lord you had a plan , you’re again showing all of us that ,you’re a living God and nothing is permanent. Thank you father Lord for changing my story which you let it happened on the 13th July 2017 ,the same number that have been my history but now you change it with a different story.
Thank you for giving me this miracle Boy ???????? I have been writing this note since two months before your arrival because I was scared and nervous that I won’t have words to say today as I’m holding you in my arms. Dear My little Prince Kairo Magese Michael My Miracle Son) You mean the world to me just like your names .
Today the 20th of July , you’re exactly a one week old baby and mama is grateful. Without God’s plan ,Faith and perseverance I wouldn’t be holding you today. As rough as this journey has been , it was all worth it to fight for you ,to cry for you to pray for you ,to go through Hundreds and hundreds of injections,humiliations , pain ,emotions breakdown ,loss , Scars but you chose me to be your mother and God chose me to be your mother.
You’re truly A child we all prayed for . Im not sure If i deserve to be your mother but all I know it was worth for me to fight to be your mother, so I will forever be there for you . You’re my Son .
Am blessed to be your Mother????….Part1“May you bring Hope ,faith and Miracles to millions women out there who wishes to hold their children just the way I wished to hold you. May you grow to change the world and be there for others. May you believe in God and own his miracles .
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As much as life can be tough ,may you learn to be patient, work hard and knowing that ,everything always happens for a reason and every human being has their own path and plans from God for them. Don’t ever loose hope. And no matter what happens in your life remember,you have our God Almighty and I will be here always .
Father I thank you for making me A Woman and Finally A mother. Father I thank you for bringing my dad back What a gift .jina Lako Lihimidiwe ????????????I love you my Son ❤️ And to you godmother @funminewyork .
I believed you had a good heart you have been with me for 13 years but Gosh what you have done through out my pregnancy journey is unexplainable. God bless you sis I can’t say more . ????????????????????
Prince Kairo Michael Magese was born
Time :6 .58 am
Weight :9 pounds 2 oz
Date :July 13 th 2017 . You’re my Victorious just like the meaning of your name “Kairo”
Glory to God . Dansaki . Asante Mungu Many thanks to Dr Seckin @endofound , Dr Lobo,Dr Gyamfi and the whole team from Columbia Doctors . Many thanks to all my friends and family oooh you guys tried @theojinika @lebogangm@samanthajansen @jimi_mugul.
Special thanks to all Endometriosis groups World wide for all you do . We will raise awareness till we find Cure ????????.And to you all my supporters thank you , Don’t stop supporting us.
I believe A cure for Endometriosis is almost here . Support Us???????????????? To Everyone don’t you ever forget ,If you knew who walked beside you, at all times, on the path that u have chose, you could never experience fear or doubt again,Have Faith ????????Stand on Your Faith ????????Change Your Story ????????You Can Do It????????
Millen Magese ???? #PrinceKairo????.”
It is said that there is no present cure for Endometriosis. Just like Magese Millen, we pray for women with this illness to share wonderful testimonies and we hope the illness can be controlled in due time.
Photo credit: Instagram
Congratulationsto her.
Believe in the report of the Lord.