Dear MIMsters: How Do I Handle My Neighbour for Treating My Daughter This Way?

How do I handle this Neighbour of mine for treating my daughter the way he did on their way back from school?
I leave in a complex with this Neighbour who has an 8 year old son. His son and my five-year old daughter both attend the same school. Even though the school is in the neighbourhood, it is still a distance from where our complex is.
My Neighbour and I take turns in doing school runs. When I am busy, he goes to fetch the children and when he is busy, he tells me to go and fetch them.
SEE ALSO:Dear MIMsters: My Mother Is Mean To My Daughter and I
So today, I asked for his help to fetch my daughter as usual and he agreed but when they got back home, my daughter was crying.
I asked her what happened and she told me that he was shouting at her all the way home using all sorts of bad words like fuck you, idoit, stupid, rubbish and lazy bones.
She told me he shouted at her because she did not come out of her classroom early enough.
SEE ALSO:Dear MIMsters: I Said ‘No’ to my Baby Daddy who Abandoned us and His Wife
I want to know the best way to handle this. Should I talk to him about it or be silent about it, then side line them? Soon they will be coming to my house asking that I fetch their son and I want to know the best way to go ahead with this.
Confront him about it and afterwards stop sharing school runs with him.
There is no need asking your neighbor, start picking your child yourself, whether u are busy or not. I don’t think its because of them you sent your child there. Try to be without them
Aunty,d welfare of ur child is ur sole responsibility. You can choose to leave her with d useless neighbour or you can choose to be picking her up yourself. How can a reasonable parent insult a child like his. Be wise before th e abuse gets out of hand
pick ur child up urself no b fight.
Ignore the neighbor and start taking care of her yourself. Daughters should be properly taken care of, lots of evil in our communities lately.
There are different techniques adults use to cage children mentally before they start sexually abusing them. Number one is to ensure the child always requires their approval. Your neighbour has started abusing your daughter verbally so that she will be submissive to him and scared of him when he starts abusing her. It’s time to cut the cord and keep tour daughter away from him. Also please start telling her about sexual abuse and the various signs. Trust me she is not too young to know about it. God bless you madam.
Words so true, @seun.
As much as it lies in you live in Peace with all men. I want to say that it’s high time you make time to pick and drop your kid from school without the assistance of anyone. Just to avoid any local problem. That’s how abuse starts. He tries by intimidating the innocent girl and from there he puts his plans to work. Please stop now and do not allow someone else pick your child. Especially being a female child. But, you can pick up his son if he ask you to. But only if he does. Not on your own.