Dear MIMsters: He Was Disturbing Me for a Relationship, Now, I’m Pregnant and Jobless

Everything started in 2013 when an unknown caller started disturbing me for a relationship. Sometimes, I ignored the calls until in 2014 when my mum’s sister who is a colleague of the this same caller asked me why I’m ignoring this guy’s calls.
She told me to stop ignoring his calls because she is the one who gave him my number as I’m not too young to get married. So, a relationship started after the guy and I met.
We started very well on a good note and we got to meet each other’s family. I told him I wanted to get married and he said I should get pregnant first.
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In 2015, I got pregnant, surprisingly, he told me to abort it. But I didn’t until the whole of his family got to know and they intervened.
I gave birth before we had our official introduction. The dream of having a wedding came to an end when his sister suggested we postpone the wedding for reasons best known to her. She told me that, you know you married a mama’s boy,” that they have no say when it comes to their family.
The worrisome part for me is that this year again, I’m pregnant and I am jobless. My hubby won’t listen to me when I tell him to use a condom. Again, he wants an abortion but I refused and he has promised to deal with me.
SEE ALSO:Dear MIMsters: 31 Weeks Pregnant and Looks Like I’m in a One Chance Situation
He is threatening to abandon me and my first child. I have tried to plead and convince him to accept the baby but he is so adamant. When I packed my things to leave, he was happy and even told me that it’s the best decision. He warned me never to step foot in that house again. He told me to go and never look back.
How do I handle this? I’m pregnant and jobless.
hmmmmn.introduction isn’t marriage so he isn’t ur hubby.move on.try get a job and raise ur kids
First of all, he is not your husband. Secondly please move out and move to your family. It’s obvious he is not a serious man and not ready for a family yet.
The quest to be married landed you in this mess. Move on with your life.