Dear MIMsters: I Want To Move On But I Am Scared of Something

I want to move on but I am scared.
I’m in a serious relationship right now that has been on for almost 5 years.
My boyfriend has been the one sponsoring my education since Secondary School. Even though he is a very caring and loving man, we quarrel most of the time. Ever since this relationship started, I have always felt like quitting but couldn’t because my boyfriend loves me so much and wouldn’t let me go. Sometimes, our quarrels result in huge fights but it suddenly stopped a few months ago.
SEE ALSO:Dear MIMsters: He Says He Loves Me But His Actions Say Otherwise
I am yet to go to a higher institution to further my education but mind you, my boyfriend and I both agreed to have a baby first before I go to school to further my studies. We decided that we can then get married afterwards.
The problem is sometimes when I think of having a baby before a wedding, my mood changes everything. The truth is I feel bored most times when I’m around this guy and I honestly feel like quitting. One thing that scares me when I think of leaving him is he might want me to consider all the money he’s spent on me.
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This leaves me very confused. I don’t know what to do and we’ve been living together all this while.
Hmmmmmm if you are not happy with the relationship is advisable to leave and not marry him out of pity that he has spent so much.
This is an insane situation, secondary school girl living with boy friend……am still trying to process it in my head.
walk away.were are ur parents