Dear MIMsters: I Borrowed Myself Sense And Told Him Off But Should I Feel Guilty?

I borrowed myself sense and told him off but should I feel guilty about this?
I have been in this relationship for almost a year now. Everything was moving fine, although I constantly felt the relationship was one sided. I was the only one who called and sent messages. But, on the other hand, he always visited me since we lived in different towns and my schedule didn’t permit me to travel out of town.
Fast forward to one of his visits, his phone rang and while I went to hand it to him in the bathroom, a message popped up on the screen. It was a love message, so I opened it and realized while we were together, he had been chatting up another lady in the same town where I live.
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From the messages, it showed they have had sex and he sent her money on different occasions. He also planned to see her the next morning once he left my place. I confronted him and he apologized. I forgave him but lost trust in him.
I told him I had rent issues and needed his assistance, this was to see his reaction. So we agreed I would visit him on my monthly leave, when he would give me the money for my rent. Surprisingly, when I was on leave and preparing to visit him, he stood me up. I called and sent several messages but he didn’t reply nor pick my calls. He went silent for no reason, so I stayed off and stopped calling and sending messages.
After 2 months of his silence, he has started calling and sending messages again, as if nothing happened. He is telling me his aunty said they should study me to see if am the patient type. Note, this isn’t the first time he would stay silent for weeks and later apologize. So, I told him his aunty should mark, grade and give him the results of the study, as I am done with the relationship.
He is now using words to manipulate me and behaving like I let him down – this is weighing on my conscience. He knows I will never have peace nor sleep well knowing someone is hurt because of me.
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He claims he loves me but never treats me right. Please how do I handle this situation because I am tired of him hurting me.
He knows using words to blackmail you will give you sleepless nights. Dissapoint him this time please. He is not worth the stress biko. Anybody that can treat you that way doesn’t love you.
walk away
How can he say he loves you giving u a gap of two good months, well don’t worry he is pushing u to someone that will value u coz u don’t know what you have been missing until u let go
Maintain your stand and stay away from this dude, let him go and hug his aunt.
I did same recently, avoid his calls and texts so u don’t see the messages that make you feel guilty. Move on, in a matter of months you will be fine
Keep borrowing yourself that sense and stay away. Don’t fall for his emotional blackmail. I take God beg you.
That guy does not love you. How can a guy that loves stay away for 60days……my dear move on, he knows how to manipulate you and he is playing a good game. Emotional blackmail is awful and if u give in now, he will still use such method in future
That guy does not love you…..two whole months and he never called. You told him u have rent issues and he disappeared without finding out if u now live on the street….sister Biko dump his sorry ass.