Liz Anjorin Concludes Her Incredible Grass to Grace Story: ”I ate dog food…”

Nollywood actress Liz Anjorin left her fans and followers speechless after she began the story of her life a couple of days ago on Instagram (read here).
The successful business woman who is a single mother of a teen daughter reveals how she was born into a great family but fell into hard times when her parents lost it all.
Sadly, the beautiful diva took to the streets with her poor mother, hustling to make ends meet.
In the course of working at a local canteen, she was impregnated and somehow she thought it would be the end of her hard life.
Unknown to her, life had other plans for her as her baby daddy died few months after she delivered her baby. Also, her brother-in-law blatantly refused to welcome her into the family because of her status.
“My baby daddy died few months after I had my child. He never met the girl I had for him. It was a lonely and hard life as I lived from one place to the other… I left my baby at one year old and never saw her until she was ten,” she said.
Finally, she adviced men not to ever abandon their wives and kids.
”Now to every man out there, please think twice before you turn your back to your wife or the kids because when couple separate, the children suffer most…”
Here’s the remaining part of her success story…
Some people will ask where is your mother’s family ?? Hmmm… And some do ask why don’t you show off your daughter; The reason why I don’t flaunt my daughter on social media is because I want her to show the whole world what she got in her brain by not slaying with her Mama’s fame… Please let us all have patience for her because if she is omo nobody, nobody will want to meet her.
I got to know this when my Mum took me to two rich families; one at Dopemu and the other at Alasia, Lagos to stay with the hope that they will help our situation then.. But the one at Dopemu turned us down and said I’m not fit to be their house maid,she said dis one that does not have intestine.
The other one at Alasia accepted me (Daddy kola). We are in social media world now and I hope you can see this. Daddy was very nice and promised my mum to take care of me.
My mother called me to a corner, knelt down with tears on her eyes and said; Jo Segan mi dogo (please turn my reproach to glory), jo ma doju timi (please don’t disappoint me), we both cried and separated that day.
The story changed when grandma came, she asked his son that omo tani eleyi, Daddy Kola replied and said; omo ( lagbaja) ni but mama instantly said; she can’t stay here (despite this mama is my family relative).
She then told her son that; awon omo irankiran leleyi, do you want her poverty to spread to you, who knows who caused their misfortune (I cried bitterly that day)
Mama, you knocked my forehead to a pulp, your son begged you for weeks before you later succumbed. But that house was worse than hell afterward.
You would ask me to fetch over 50 buckets (IRON) of water from downstairs to upstairs. I dare not try to eat house food except dog food (water soup and bone) and I dare not try to touch the bone because it’s meant for the dog.
@ Iya Enny and Ronke, you guys fought me several times not to treat Rotimi the same way I treats my house help, so that my daughter will not hold it against me, but I do tell you guys that I don’t want any child that lives with me see me taking good care of my girl than them because to me, we are all equal before God..
. WATCH OUT FOR PART 7.. #lifeofaneglectedchild#lifeofadeadlystreetchild#destinyisabastardbcositsunpredictable#dntlaughatmyflaws
PART 7….
This is where I learnt to treat kids equally; I was told that Garri and Epa are the same with cornflakes by Big sister (Daddy K’s younger sis)..of course garri was my own flakes it was not funny the day I got to know the different between the two.
It was on a fateful day while I was setting table for the beautiful children(though it was my normal routine), I would add cornflakes, water, sugar and milk together then put it on the table for the children to drink, so one of the kids put a spoon in my mouth and I was wondered why you (Aunty Ronke) lied to me that cornflakes is the same with Garri and Epa, but the slap I got sent me back to reality just because one of the kids put a spoon of cornflakes in my mouth, I still can’t forget how grandma slapped the hell out of my mouth that day.
After few weeks, grandma was about 65yrs then, someone wrote a love letter, stole daddy’s money from his pocket and planted it in my Poly bag.
Daddy was going to work that day and he couldn’t find his money where he kept it, so he was mad and searched for his money thoroughly, so Grandma made a suggestion that they should search my bag, but to my greatest surprise; as they turned my bag upside down, they found my rags under and the love letter with daddy’s money was on top.
I am writing this with tears because you made me see demon face to face at such a tender age. I was sent back ‘half-dead, I was blackmailed and tortured mercilessly on something I knew nothing about…
On my way back to my mum, tears couldn’t let me see road well, so I was knocked down by a hit and run danfo at Alasia bus top, I was covered wit blood, I got to my mother’s hideout but my mother closed her eyes and sent me away.
Maami, you kept saying; Eganmidogo iwo omodeyi iran meji oki tosi.. It was Oke at mathew street, Pero, that brought hot water and cleaned me up before I proceeded to an uncompleted building (ile alagba) at daddy savage street…
Maami, I attempted to commit suicide like 3times and you told me to go ahead.. You used to say; shio, the strength you’ve to kill yourself — #lifeofneglectedchild#lifeofadeadlystreetchild#destinyisabastardbcositsunpredictable#dntlaughatmyflaws.
PART 8..
Why can’t you use it to prove people wrong that what man can do- woman can do better, that I should prove to them that a child with no family can become a successful person…
Mum, I remember when you used to contemplate on; if you had gone to school, If you are a bold type, that maybe we would both have a better life… Yes mum! that was why I tried my best to go to school despite the fact that I read while I was hawking and that has made me to be dis original..
I don’t fake who I am because you told me, being friendly, hard working, loyal, bold, sound and good heart can propel me to anywhere in the world and of course all you said is true..
Maami, I remember when I fell down while I was hawking and my cheekbone was completely broken and swelled up that I can’t see well.. We were adviced to withdraw from Able school, so I was sent to Disabled school because my face scares other student…
You ran to a nurse, rolled on the floor and you said; nurse, please remove all my bone and give it to my daughter and she replied; this case is money we don’t need your bone. We were so poor that we can’t even afford drugs, we only depended on hot water, ora ekun, and agbo (herbs)
You took me to village to go do cutting of ofada rice, I can’t forget how we were both scratching our body when rain beat us in rice farm.. It get to a point that I suggested begging but you told me that beggar and thief are the same that they both have d same problem which is “no shame”.
You said, if we beg and I become a successful person that the stigma will be there for life.. You said,Okomi, let people know us as a hustler not a beggar or a thief…
I remember how yo would cut your inner rapper and used it to patched your buba at the back, I remember everything!! My colleagues didn’t know I moved out of Ijebu-igbo to Ijebu-ode so that you can live with me..
When I met your brother, I asked him about you and he said you are still hawking; from that day, I vowed that I will never allow you to leave my side again.. Living together with you was a sweet memory.. .. #lifeofaneglectedchild#lifeofadeadlystreetchild#destinyisabastardbcositsunpredictable#dntlaughatmyflaws
PART 9..
When I finished school, I left you to get a business or work in Lagos of which your blessing followed me everywhere I went to.. When I got a house in Ikorodu, I came to picked you. We moved around like snail until death snatched you from me..
Death didn’t allow you ride our dream car with me, you didn’t even sleep in my own house: how I wish you’re alive today to see this small showroom with assorted outfit God did for us.
I would’ve make you a nice gown with awesome design.. You always thought you ain’t brave but to me, you are the bravest woman ever liveth because if not for you, I won’t be here today maami… rest on mum ( best striker)..
On the other hand, I was expecting Iya Ijebu to come for Chrismas last year but unfortunately she died before Christmas (so painful).
I will like to stop here for now. We will continue in the nearest future Insha Allah… Thanks for reading, thanks for showing me love and thanks for always being there…
To Almighty God, I confirm you truly liveth.. I’m giving a testimony now, Ya’ Allah please give me more grace to testify more in the future.
To everyone that has contributed to my life in one way or the other, I say a very big thanks to you: for every king and dignitaries that have allow me to sit next to them, you have made my dreams come true: to those that has hurt me- I forgive you : to those that never met me before but hate me for no reason or for not mingle with people- pls pardon me, I mean no harm, I am just scared of poverty that’s why I walk alone.
For those that turned me down when I needed them, I thank you for making me strive hard: for those that poured sand in my garri behind me, I thank you too… I believe in God. I respect destiny and fear poverty than death… May Almighty Allah never let us suffer (Amen).
Now to every man out there, please think twice before you turn your back to your wife or the kids because when couple separate, the children suffer most…
Everything I posted about myself is just 25%.. I was tortured and abused physically, emotionally but that will not make me to live a rough life or forget where I am coming from, instead I will double my hustle.
Please always remember me and my girl in your prayer…#Peace
I wept bitterly when reading this. Indeed “eni tio ga ese re o tinrin”. Allihamdillahi for your life Liz Anjorin. May God continue to bless your hustle and be with you. #loveyou
Thank God for her life.
Thank God for you