Dear MIMsters: Am I Waiting for My Man In Vain?

Please advise me like you would a sister and a daughter. Will my waiting be in vain?
I am 27. I’ve been dating my BF since October 2014. He is my first love.
He was caring and always ready to give me his attention, the only snag is that he is jobless. He has been jobless since 2014. He got did some jobs though but he’s not be paid for them. They were mostly marketing jobs.
For me, it is frustrating seeing other people settling down and getting married, while I am still waiting for this man. It is not as though l don’t get advances from men. I do. l get advances from guys every minute but l am scared of committing myself to another relationship since this guy hasn’t wronged.
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It is a year now and we haven’t seen each other because he moved to Abuja for greener pastures but there’s been no outcome yet except that he has plans to start a business but has no capital.
Most guys tell me that l am wasting my beautiful life and putting my life on hold waiting for this so called guy. I am just confused.
Currently, I live with my dad and I work. The pain and ill-treatment l get is enough reason for me to forget this guy and start flirting around.
Two months ago, l had a fling with an old time friend who has been pursuing me for years and he became my employer. After I succumbed and we started seeing each other, one day, he complained that l was too demanding and needy. This was same guy who had showered me with so much attention and love when he was still trying to woo me.
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He later said that he didn’t want to be intimate with his staff. I said he doesn’t want anything to do with his staff, l got down emotionally and l begged him to forgive my childishness which he did. After l left him that day, he called and l never picked. l can’t let any man manage me. Never.
Right now, I want to know if l am really wasting my time waiting for this boyfriend of mine in vain.
There’s someone out there for you girl, don’t be an option B for anyone.
Let me be truthful. U are not waiting for the guy, cos u are already trying out options. Secondly, eliminate pride from ur life, I can sense it and it will not help u in marriage. Thirdly, marriage is for someone who has a vision and drive. If u don’t see these in him, no need waiting. If u do, it may be worth the wait. Na 50/50.