WARNING: 12 Unwanted Things Motherhood Does To Your Body And Mind

Ineh Olisah
As amazing as motherhood is, it definitely comes with a prize that you may never have been prepared for. While motherhood comes with a lot of benefits that cannot be quantified, it is also characterized with psychological, physical, emotional, and financial unwanted changes that you may have to deal with. However, the blessings of having and holding your children, seeing them smile, and accomplish milestones as they grow makes it all worthwhile.
So be warned, as motherhood may make you;
1. Fat. You will pile up the pounds. Shedding off the baby weight may prove harder than you envisaged but it’s not impossible.
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2. Forgetful. There are many names for this phenomenon. Some call it “pregnancy brain” or “pregnancy brain” while others call it “maternal forgetfulness” and it’s been scientifically proven to be a real issue. Researches have revealed that during pregnancy, the brain reduces a bit in size. When you couple that with the tiredness, lack of sleep, hormones and normal, motherly worries that come with motherhood, it’s no surprise that from the period of pregnancy to the few months after delivery, mothers seem to be a bit scatterbrained and forgetful.
3. Confused.
4. Sleep deprived. This so comes with the territory. You will seek for sleep and you shall not find it. The constant demand of your baby to nurse and changed every two to three hours round the clock, will make sleep a rare commodity.
5. Anxious. You are in a constant state of worry because you are not completely responsible for the life of another, for which you will be held responsible.
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6. Competitive. Motherhood is a competition unlike any other. It’s a competition between moms. They become catty and judgemental when they see another Mom celebrate her child. Moms want to outdo each other’s effort.
7. Ache, hurt and bruised.
8. Spend more. Children have daily, month and yearly which must all be met. Raising children is expensive.
9. Become paranoid.
10. Feel less attractive. You are not the only one who feels this way.
11. Stretchmarks. Pregnancy will most likely leave you with stripes on your hips, stomach, breasts, bum and thighs. While you do what you can to keep your body at its best, see your stripes as a mark of honour and own them.
READ ALSO: 7 Simple Remedies For Your Stretch Marks
12. Pee or fart anytime you sneeze. This is called incontinence. The stretching of your muscles during delivery can lead to accidentally passing urine when you cough, laugh, or strain. It resolves gradually as you engage the muscles responsibly by doing your kegels.
This list is by no means exhaustible. What has motherhood changed about you?
motherhood had make me to have focus, to pay attention to some things that does not matter to some people,to have value for every time l spent, to consider my family first in every of my planes,
Motherhood has brought out my real self. It brought out more beauty in me.
Indeed motherhood has done all those things listed in the post but the one true thing I am always happy about is hearing my son say MUM.
It has made me veery sensitive to children.. I see every child as mine and i hate it when something goes wrong with kids.
it has actually made me value children
Aww. It worth it though
That is the price we mothers have to pay. Fathers dey enjoy o
Motherhood has brought out the best in me, it has made me more bold, courageous, patience and more tolorance etc. Surprisingly, these 14 sad things are the 14 attributes that makes me a strong woman.
Let my stomach stretch. Let me fat, let loose my sexy shape… I must be a mum. it worth it
The price we have to pay as mothers hnmmm but its worth it and I tnk God am one.
Very true but motherhood has brought out d very best in me. And I won’t exchange it for anything in d world. I love my kids to d moon and back.
My passion 4 kids has increased since I became a mum
yes sure the list is unending,
the most annoying is the stretch
marks, but when u see the positive side, which is the kids, the fact that I’m more accountable,my patients sometimes and so on, it make me smile with so much pride….. trust me its worth it
Motherhood has made me knw ow valueable children are , even kids dat are nt mine,….I have passion for kids now…Always feelin bad wen is see tins go wrong wit dem….despite all d changes in my bad…I feel happy wen my adorable call me MUM
Motherhood has put broad smiles on my face. Each time I look at my kids I give God praise. Thank God I am a mother despite the conditions listed above. I will always be grateful to God
Hmmm… It was worth it. I ‘d rather experience all those aforementioned changes than be childless. May God bless and keep our children. Amen!
All listed above is worth it. Was so happy last nite when my 10month old baby started calling me mma mma like seriously I was so happy she made me proud started walking @ 9month. I gie God all the glory.
D joy our kids give us mothers is worth it dear.
Smiles””” The joy of motherhood worth the ugly side lol
Motherhood did all that but the best thing that happen to me is being a mum.
With all this listed above I’m greatfull I’m a mothed
To be responsible for a human apart from mysef,I accept All d changes in gud faith,seeing my bundle of Joy is enough!!!
Im fortunate that i dont av many stretchmarks except on my breast but believe me when i say beign a mother is more than worth whatever ‘blemish’ we may think we av.I pray for d grace to train them properly and for long life to reap d fruits of our labours in good health.Amen
Motherhood I hear is a very beautiful thing. I can’t wait to be a mother.
It’s a beautiful thing against all odds.