Dear MIMsters: How Do I Handle This Omugwo Issue Between My Husband and My Mom

I’m here to seek advice. I’m a first time mom who had her baby a few months ago. My mom came over for Omugwo (child care) and would be going back after spending some time with us. How do I handle this issue between my husband and my mom?
She gave me a list of the things she wants my husband and I to buy for her to take back with her. If I’m not mistaken, this list totals up to N130,000 or more. The problem is my husband says he only has N50,000 to spare and that when next she comes, he will make it up to her.
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I know it’s poor compared to what she wants but my husband doesn’t have as much as my mom expects. He is sponsoring me in the University and he is also furthering his Master’s degree. And seriously since I gave birth to my son, our finances have been tight.
My mom doesn’t want to understand this. Instead, she is so angry and keeps bringing up the fact that I rejected other rich suitors to marry my husband who has nothing as she puts it. She believes it will be a shame for her to go to the village with such little things.
I really love my mom as she has really suffered for my siblings and I, besides, I’m her first child and I don’t like hurting her. But the truth is my hubby doesn’t have the money she is asking for. I love my hubby and he loves me too. My happiness is his priority as as he even indulges me silly to the extent of bringing my younger brother to live with us where is he is learning a skill and going to school despite his initial refusal.
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We are just a year old in marriage but mom wants him to borrow some money to settle her. I’m hurt she doesn’t understand us and also scared of hurting her at the same time because she is all we have. But I feel sorry for my hubby. I’m begging him to make it up to N100,000 but he insists he doesn’t have that money and can never borrow money to settle but if he has it before she leaves, he will give it her.
She is leaving on Sunday and he still doesn’t have it. I’m so worried. Please advise me on what to do.
My dear your Mom should understand the economic situation of the country right now, I advice you should find away and make ur mom to understand that what she is asking for might ruin your once happy home believe it or not . Assuming is vice versa how will you feel and pls tell her to be careful so she won’t lose the respect your husband have for her. The fact that he’s not rich today does not mean it will remain like that for ever.