“It’s Never Fair To Lay Your Burden On Your Children” – Ace Journalist, Betty Irabor

Editor- in -Chief and Publisher of Genevieve Magazine, Betty Irabor has said it’s never fair to lay your burden on your children. The 61-year old media personality said this while writing an encouraging and inspiring piece about her daughter, Sonia Irabor.
The beautiful veteran journalist sure knows how to appreciate a deserving daughter like hers- not putting pressure on her to walk in her step against her desire.
Mrs Irabor, in the not-too-lengthy piece on her social media page, gushed about her daughter’s strength and passion. The mom-of-2 further commended her tireless efforts in managing the magazine.
See what she wrote below:
”Don’t lay your burden on them! So proud of this girl here @sonia_irabor ! Every day as she holds it down@genevievemagazine I marvel at her strength and passion.
I had thought that when I got tired of running Genevieve (and I really was tired) I would just write my last Morning Dew and quit but then she came on board just at the right time after a degree in Media studies and post graduate from Drama school..but then she joined Genevieve at 14 as a columnist ( Teen Zone).
ALSO READ: “It doesn’t happen overnight . . .” Betty Irabor on Building Marital Success
I have said to her many times, “don’t let Genevieve hold you from your own dream and purpose, don’t put your acting career and all your beautiful dreams on hold for this, I won’t forgive myself.. feel free to move on when you’re ready”.
It’s never fair to lay your burden on your children. But she assures me she is happy doing this along her own passion. I remember how many times she stopped me from throwing in the towel when Genevieve debuted and the reviews were damn surgical!
Sometimes I see her frustration at work, publishing is manic! But she survives every issue .. phew !!
@mmwithnimi I hope my entry isn’t too late?
Here’s to mothers and their daughters! Here’s to love and more love❤️❤️.”
ALSO READ: Divine Intervention? Read Betty Irabor’s Interesting Testimony about Finding a Nanny