Dear MIMsters: I Asked Him For Only One Thing & It Opened Up A Can Of Worms

I am a salary earner. I’ve been running a Masters Degree program before I got married. After we got married, I asked my husband for only one thing and it opened up a can of worms.
I got married early this year to a businessman who is based in another State. After the wedding, we decided to rent a two bedroom apartment near where I live which will be our main base. We contributed equally and paid for it. My parents helped us to furnish it as their wedding gift to me. The only thing remaining is to get seats for the living room.
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Since, I got married in January, my husband has never given me any money. I am the one paying my school fees, bills in the house and even hospital bills when I registered for antenatal. I have never asked him for money for any of these. We are expecting a baby early next year.
I told my husband to purchase chairs for the living room but he said that he doesn’t have money. I didn’t complain. Later, I told him that as Christmas is coming, let’s plan on what to buy for my parents even if it is worth only N5,000. He started shouting at me, telling me that I am inconsiderate, that why should I mention a thing like that, that I’m choking him up. He said that if I’m reasonable, I wouldn’t tell him such a thing. He said he does not want to have this discussion anymore because it is only money that I know. He continued, saying that when our house rent expires early next year, he will not pay because he doesn’t have money. He said that if I eventually get evicted, I should leave my work and school and move to his base. He told me that I am as good as useless.
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What did he not say to me? He went on saying that is it not some wives like me who take their husbands out? Mind you, this man has never taken me out. He told me that he will make money and when he does, that I will suffer the consequences. After he shouted at me, he cut the call. I was the one who called him back.
When he called me the next day, I ignored his calls because I was angry and since then he has not called me again. It’s going to two weeks now. Please I need advice on how to handle this.