Nigerian Mum And Feminist, Ozzy Etomi, Has Eyes Rolling With Her New Submission On ‘Runz Girls’

Hate her or not, Nigerian mum and feminist, Ozzy Etomi, will say what she has to say, and she will do so even if she stands alone. This time around, the mum-of-one is making a case for ‘runz-girls’.
In a rather conservative and traditional society as we have in Nigeria, Ozzy, is particularly bold with her feminist views and unapologetic style of delivering them.
Ozzy is happily married with a child, against popular beliefs in this climes that women as dauntless as the designer, writer, mum of one, are unlikely candidates for any type of marriage at all.
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A debate ensued yesterday on Twitter, after musician, Falz, released a new song on his “Moral Instruction” album, where he talked on sex in exchange for money, “transactional sex” as he preferred to call it.
Many ladies, especially feminists, and of course , Ozzy, believed that the singer was out of order, talking down on women who wish to commodify sex.
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As part of her argument, the mum-of-one said:
” Men are deeply insecure when it comes to their financial standing, and knowing that most runs babes would never glance twice at their parched pockets makes them build a deep resentment to these women that have deemed them unworthy to fuck,
though most relationships are transactional (taking out on dates, buying gifts, etc) men HATE to date at their “level”.
Therefore they develop a deep stan like admiration/jealousy for rich men while developing hatred for women who let them know they’re out of their league.”
As usual, Ozzy’s many unpopular opinions make her the subject of constant backlashes on Twitter, where she most likes to express her feministic views.
In the face of it all,she remains unapologetic, never backs down, it is only a matter of time before she has another bold take on a new subject.”
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Some of the app users who found her latest post nauseating said, her sometimes haughty views only prove that “even brilliant people can say stupid things.’
Read her full thread below:
“The only reason men dislike runs girls is because men think sex is freely owed to them. They resent that women can place a premium on their vaginas because they hate women & associate their sexual autonomy to worthlessness & think only a man can legitimize her sexual agency.
Men are deeply insecure when it comes to their financial standing, and knowing that most runs babes would never glance twice at their parched pockets makes them build a deep resentment to these women that have deemed them unworthy to fuck.though most relationships are transactional (taking out on dates, buying gifts, etc) men HATE to date at their “level”. Therefore they develop a deep stan like admiration/jealousy for rich men while developing hatred for women who let them know they’re out of their league.
Men like this also resent the ease at which women can access these powerful and rich men that they jerk off to daily, and think they are more worthy to be in the presence of their idols and benefit from their generosity. You can imagine the annoyance, dears.
Men like this do not believe women have value. Therefore the thought of a woman placing any type of value on herself is deeply offensive to them. Yet, watch this man get his money up and think he deserves to upgrade to “premium” as fast as his legs can carry him.I’ve forgotten what its called, but this complex has a name. It’s the reason when a man gets money, instead of dating the women that have always liked him, he desires to date the type of women that have previously rejected him. Look at athlete & entertainers wives. Shikena.”