9 Business Ideas For Stay-At-Home Mums In Nigeria

By Kaffy Wale
Behind us are the days when wives mostly depended solely on their husbands for livelihood. More and more women who are no longer content with limiting their existence to the kitchen and bedroom are now pushing themselves to the forefront of creating wealth, growing businesses and generating value. For Nigerian mums who enjoy working from home, it is often tricky to determine exactly what profitable business to engage in. However, we have listed out 9 lucrative business ideas that can be designed to give you the flexibility to manage all your roles.
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1. Consumer Goods Distribution
Distribution of FMCGs (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) is a great business option for stay-at-home mums who want to start business on a budget and it is very lucrative too.
The major advantage here is that it gives you steady and daily income, since most of the goods you will be dealing with are consumables that in daily demand.
FMCG manufacturing companies are all over the place, you do not need to look too hard to find one, connect with them and sign up as a distributor. It may be slow in the beginning but hang in there. FMCGs include soaps, noodles, detergent, noodles, snacks, etc. which brings a number of brands to mind.
2. Day Care
If you have enough space in your home and a little start up cash, put these to good use by taking on the responsibility of watching other people’s children alongside with yours. Frankly, not everyone is cut out for looking after a dozen crying babies needing diaper change every now and then. If this is not your thing, move on to the next item.
3. Fashion Design/Tailoring
Some mums find that they are quite artistic and quick to master skills. Fashion designing and tailoring are a great business opportunity for these creative mums.
Invest in a sewing machine and take on little jobs in the beginning while you expand your business with time, but if you only like to think up and draw designs, you can do just that and outsource the tailoring. while you get to choose your own label and attach the labels to the clothes. You still need to market your clothes.
4. Freelancing
This 0ne should be exciting. Your time is yours as a freelancer. You do not require much to start, just your skills and an internet enabled computer.
Skills as writing, graphics design, web design, proofreading and editing are lucrative ventures on many freelancing sites.
5. Blogging
If you do not know of anyone else, you at least know of Linda Ikeji’s multi million Naira blogging empire. But did you know that many young people are making good money from blogging nowadays?
Besides being fun, blogging is profitable. If you enjoy reading and following topics and trends on social media, you may want to step it up and earn from your passion. Find a blogging niche, say; news, sports, family, fashion, anything that interests you at all.
Using Google Adsense, established bloggers have free online courses on how you can earn while sleeping as a blogger, because the internet never sleeps, your money is not ever going to sleep, ask Linda Ikeji about that.
6. Rental Business
Very popular when we were growing up but still a very relevant and profitable business. Nigerians are party lovers at heart,we celebrate at any given opportunity. Leasing out plastic tables and chairs to people organizing ceremonies for an agreed fee can be a steady income source for you.
You can arrange with a truck owner to move the chairs, tables and other rentals to and from the venues where they are on demand, of course, transportation costs is borne by the customer.
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7. Consulting
This is where your superior knowledge comes into play. If you have specialized skills, you can start your own consulting business and charge a fee for your services. An example is tutoring young entrepreneurs and offering advice on various businesses.
Many business consultants that work part-time make a lot of extra cash mentoring young entrepreneurs, you can do it too.
8. Agriculture
It is no coincidence that you are have been seeing more and more agriculture based businesses; poultry, snail farming, rabbit rearing and many more. The truth is, like you, Nigeria is trying to earn extra cash and agriculture is how it intends to shift from a single-income economy to also earn extra cash besides revenue from oil.
Pick any area of the business that interests you and start small, even from your home and have it grow big.
9. Catering
Ah-Ah, this one should be fun! if you checked the full list and found nothing that interests you, you should at least like this one-catering! The good thing about catering is the simple fact that good food is always good business.
It is actually underrated, people who are in it know that it is a money-spinner. If you love to cook, this one is for you. Many mums have seen the light and have turned this catering business into a big industry on its own-all those mouth-watering meals of soups and other types of food you see on social media are the invention of some creative mums.
Of course this list is not exhaustive, there are many more avenues that stay-at-home mums can make business earning from. When are you starting your business?