Seasoned Life Coach, Lanre Olusola Finds Blame With Parents Over Growing Divorce Rates In His Reaction To Viral Video Of Little Girl’s Description Of A Successful Marriage

Seasoned Nigerian Life coach and dad, Lanre Olusola has reacted to the viral video of a little girl giving her opinion on what a successful marriage is and he is questioning parents on their roles at inculcating values in their children and setting the marriage institution up for divorces and depression.
The viral video made its way to the internet a couple of days back. The star of the video being a little girl who was part of a panel of kids was speaking on American show ‘Kids Say The Darndest Things’ when she was asked what makes a successful marriage.
In response, the young girl said finding
‘You have to find the right person, then they have to be very nice to you. They have to buy you everything you want like Gucci, and… Louis Vuitton, and Prada… and all those big names. ‘
When the show’s host then asked the animated little gorl why it was important to have all those, she replied;
‘Cos you want to spoil your uhmm…wife.’
The conversation continued when the host asked the unnamed girl;
‘What do you have to do as a wife?’
She simply quipped;
‘Just…wear the stuff’
Olusola in an Instagram post while acknowledging the hilarity of the video said he wanted parents to look inwards and see how they could possibly be setting up their children up for destruction. According to him, parents need to evaluate their roles in how stressed, depressed and despondent children are becoming these days.
He believes that the video establishes the materialistic inclination of society, and questioned the simplicity of the little girl’s idea of a husband as someone who buys designer stuff for his wife.
Here’s what he wrote:
”It’s fun listening to this little girl explain her idea of a successful marriage, I even enjoyed a good laugh. But let’s get to the critical issue at hand here
Has a good marriage been simplified to the husband buying the wife Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton?
Today I’m going to be very hard on parents because we need to self reflectAre we the ones DESTROYING our children?
Parents is it your fault that your children’s marriages are not working today?Parents is it your fault that your children are more stressed, depressed, despondent etc today?
We NEED to change the narrative by what we teach our children and this is by how we behave (It’s no longer about telling them to do what we say because they’re learning and doing what we are doing)Dear parents, what are your own core values?
What do you wear?
How desperate are you to wear these things?
Not knocking people who wear designers, I buy them myself but if you can’t wear these things how do you feel? If you cannot afford these things for yourself or your children how do you feel?Good Parenting starts with parents. We must begin to parent ourselves
Parent please don’t be your child’s instrument of destruction. You are a custodian of your child’s destiny, handle with great care
Watch the video:
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