Coronavirus: Nigerian Government Issues Public Advisory To Citizens On Latest Deadly Virus As It Heightens Screening Measures At The Airports

There is a major public health concern similar to Ebola currently threatening a worldwide epidemic. It is called the ‘Coronavirus’. The Federal Government of Nigeria in its response to development which could potentially spread and be fatal has now announced that there will be an increase in screening at ports of entry into Nigeria to prevent the spread of the deadly Coronavirus which has claimed lives in China and has now reached the US is also feared to already be in the UK after Heathrow passengers were isolated.
The mysterious new disease, Coronavirus, has infected more than 500 people and caused 17 deaths. The disease arrived in Washington state this week and this has led other countries to take actions to prevent the disease from crossing over into their territory.
The Nigerian government took to Twitter to announce the preventive measures being taken to protect Nigerians. The FG also issued an advisory to Nigerians going to and coming from China and other affected countries.
The Government of Nigeria tweeted via its official Twitter account:
“PUBLIC HEALTH ADVISORY TO NIGERIANS ON NOVEL CORONAVIRUS The Port Health Services unit of the Federal Ministry of Health @Fmohnigeria in Nigeria has been placed on alert and has heightened screening measures at the points of entry.
Nigerians are advised to remain calm. Travelers from Nigeria to Wuhan, China, are advised to avoid contact with sick people, animals (alive or dead), and animal markets.
Travelers from Wuhan to Nigeria, may be asked questions upon arrival by the Port Health Services unit at points of entry about symptoms of illness and travel history, and are advised to report immediately to NCDC, if they feel ill after a trip to Wuhan.”
The Federal Ministry of Health @Fmohnigeria through @NCDCgov and its partners are fully committed to strengthening our preparedness and response to infectious disease outbreaks.
@NCDCgov is currently coordinating a multisectoral technical group that is assessing and managing the risk of importation to Nigeria. NCDC is in close communication with the World Health Organization @WHO which is closely monitoring the situation globally.@NCDCgov is the government agency with the mandate to lead the prevention, detection, and control of communicable diseases. Its functions are to prevent, detect, investigate and control communicable diseases of national and international public health importance.
CONTACT DETAILS NCDC Toll-Free Number: 0800 9700 0010 SMS: 08099555577 WhatsApp: 07087110839 Twitter/Facebook: @NCDCgov Email:
See the original post below:
The Port Health Services unit of the Federal Ministry of Health @Fmohnigeria in Nigeria has been placed on alert and has heightened screening measures at the points of entry. #Thread
— Government of Nigeria (@NigeriaGov) January 22, 2020