Author & Dad, Reno Omokri On Why Single Men Should Look Beyond Beauty And Go For The Loving Ugly Women

Many men usually dream of ending up with beautiful women as their wife even when she’s not loving. Most of them reject women who they term ‘Ugly’ and would rather prefer to take them as just friends.
However, Former presidential aide and proud married dad-of-three, Reno Omokri has advised men not to reject a loving woman because she’s ugly.
The award winning author in a tweet shared via his official Twitter page recently said no woman is ugly.
According to him, what people see as ugliness is usually a result of poverty and heartbreak, adding that it will be a thing of surprise when she is transformed.
He also advance men to give women who they think is ugly a chance and that she will glow up when her circumstances change.
In his words,
“Dear men, don’t reject a loving woman because she is ugly. What you see as ugliness is usually poverty and heartbreak. They draw out ugliness. When her circumstances change, you will be amazed at her transformation, without bleaching or surgery.
Give her a chance. Don’t reject a juicy orange because It is green. You may just end up with a yellow orange without juice. Instead, work on that juicy orange until it ripens.”
Dear men,
Don’t reject a loving woman because she is ugly. What you see as ugliness is usually poverty and heartbreak. They draw out ugliness. When her circumstances change, you will be amazed at her transformation, without bleaching or surgery.#FreeLeahSharibu #RenosNuggets
— Reno Omokri (@renoomokri) December 30, 2020
Tweeps took to the comment section of the post to share their thoughts.
A Twitter user with the handle @iknoe_yeah_ME2 commented: “There has to be some level of physical attraction or it just won’t work. You may like them as a person but not romantically even if you get in a relationship you will feel like you are settling and this is not what you really want.”
READ ALSO: What It Means When You Say ”I can’t marry a poor man”- Author & Dad, Reno Omokri Schools Women
@joecracky217 wrote: “You are right to some extent sir. But a loving and beautiful woman can still. Be found. It all depends on what you want.”
@OPARAMIRACLE6 reacted: “You write like a spirit. your level of writing is beyond human imagination. kudos the Solomon of our generation.”
@AmaifeCalistus added: “What about the opposite of it when a woman rejects a man because he’s broke. Financial brokenness brings out the ugliness of a man but when money starts coming, the story will metamorphose.”