How This Mum Taught Her Son A Lesson For Bullying His Mate In School

A mother has caused a stir on the internet after she shared how she found out her son was a bully and how she made him pay for bullying his mate at school.
Taking to social media, the lady disclosed that her son was taught a great lesson after he decided to bully his colleague at school.
As narrated by her, “a child was walking slowly and my son decided to push him, the child pushed my son back and my son punched him.”
Apparently, the child was walking slowly because his shoes had given way. She made her son spend his savings on buying his colleague new shoes. She also made sure he did not participate in his school’s field trip.
The woman, with the Twitter handle @QueenMother__, stated that she does not condone bullying and would not hesitate to correct her son.
She wrote:
“My son learned a lesson.. see I don’t play bullying of any sort.. when he was bullied I was up at the school. Yet he decided to be the antagonizer and bully last week.. a child was walking slowly and my son decided to push him, the child pu§hed my son back and my son punched him.
Come to find out, the child was walking slow to accommodate for his shoe not being attached to the base. Like his shoes was talking from the back.. broke my heart. My son said he didn’t know his shoes were “broken” but that’s why we don’t treat people like that.
So Saturday morning I told him to grab his wallet and we went to the shoe store where my son bought him 2 pairs of shoes. sneakers and some Crocs. I made him use his chore and birthday money, He was sick to his stomach. But with trying to raise a respectable child comes lessons
Also, they have 2 field trips this week due to the higher grades doing state testing. $10 for nasa center and $20 for the movies which require him to have a chaperone. So I decided to send $150 to the school to pay for children who couldn’t afford it, and my son will not go!
You don’t get rewarded for bad behavior. We do everything from the heart.. we are helpers because we know what it is like not to have.. my son is sad, but lessons are important to his development into a successful black man.. I love my son, and I’ll do everything I can for him 10
For clarity, he wasn’t going on the field trip regardless.. he has not been on his best behavior! Just was suspended not to long ago. Disrespectful, disruptive, distracting to his peers. Causing them not to learn, yet he doesn’t care because he already knows the material!
ALSO SEE: Researchers Explain The Different Types Of Bullying & Bullies Every Parents Should Watch For
But we’ll be on the next field trip.. don’t worry, I believe in him. And I’m his biggest fan.. My baby is learning hard lessons.. and imma hold his hand through it all.. now if you got something negative to say, GO TO HELL
Did someone call the school on me ? Lmao they just called saying that they want him to go on the trip this morning, and they asked his mentor to chaperone him.. he said “please mommy, I’ll stay on task” Imo sh#t… I folded and said yes ! I’m logging off.”
My son learned a lesson.. see I don’t play bullying of any sort.. when he was bullied I was up at the school. Yet he decided to be the antagonizer and bully last week.. a child was walking slow and my son decided to push him, the child pushed my son back and my son punched him
— F. Jewell J, LMSW (@QueenMother__) April 19, 2023