Dear MIMsters: Will Silence Towards a Husband Like Mine Bring Lasting Peace in My Marriage?
Will silence towards a husband like mine bring lasting peace in my marriage?
I have been married for almost 3 years with two wonderful kids.
After a year and half, my husband had to stop work to go to school. Due to this I am the sole person financing our family’s bills including his school fees, our son’s school fees and every other expenses that you can think of including,his own pocket money.
I have been picking all the bills without complaining because I knew exactly what I was getting myself into when I agreed he could go back to school.
SEE ALSO:Dear MIMsters: Should I Stop Giving My Husband Suggestions and Advice?
The problem is: I feel he doesn’t appreciate the things I do. He seems to get offended when I offer suggestions to move the family forward and takes offence at very little things. He always blames whenever something goes wrong.
What makes this whole thing annoying is he is someone who lacks initiative. He makes very little effort to start something, yet when I do he feels I am taking over his role as the head.
I am getting tired of this attitude as it is gradually sucking up my love for him. I am not really happy when at home. I have decided not to comment on anything he does again or even make suggestions on things he is concerned with. Is this a right stand? Will it bring lasting peace?
Sometimes silence is the best answer.
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