Nigerian Writer @Anabagail, Solves The Puzzle On Why Women Find Abusive Men Charming?
A Nigerian writer made an observation and took to her Twitter handle @Anabagail to relate her opinion which turned out to be unpopular with feminists on the platform. According to the writer, traits that gender activists describe as toxic in men are actually traits that women find attractive.
@Anabagail continued to say that in the right doses, such traits make for a charismatic, strong and romantic man; all of those qualities that women find admirable.
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Another part of her post said, when those traits exist in higher proportions, the man becomes abusive but because women naturally love a man who is in command and takes control, they would rather be with an abusive man than with a wimp.
In all, she meant to say, women do not find weak men attractive and toxic traits in men, when toned down to healthy proportions fulfill women’s fantasies of what a real man is.
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Of course, many of the men found her logic agreeable, but the feminists were also on ground to tell her about her wrong she was.
Read her full thread below;
“Read something here that got me thinking about why women enter and stay in abusive relationships. There is something attractive even romantic about a strong man. A man who exudes power and charisma, a man who takes control and is in command. Woman desire such men.
Who wants to be in a relationship with a wimp? What my people call “a penis that has to he directed to where to pee”. A man who has no mind of his own and keeps turning to the woman wanting to know what to do, a man who takes no initiative.
All those qualities that gender activists describe as “toxic” are the traits that women find attractive in men because that is what makes a man, a man. In the right doses it makes the best man you can find but in certain quantities it makes an abusive man.
Women would rather stay with an abusive man than with a wimp.
Think of it like fire. Fire is not fire unless it is hot. A cold person wants the heat but in the right degree. Too far and you may die of hypothermia, too close and you will be scorched. Women prefer getting scorched to freezing.”
See screenshots below:
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