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Meet The Woman Who Claims Lifting Items With Her Vagina Has Improved Her Sex Life

Meet The Woman Who Claims Lifting Items With Her Vagina Has Improved Her Sex Life

Kim Anami a sex and relationship expert and a mum claims lifting items with her vagina has improved her sex life.

The mum of one says the exercises using household objects make better lovers of those taking part and promises they give an “emotional, mental, physical and spiritual reboot”.

Kim who calls her technique Vaginal Kung Fu because it is “the study and mastery of something” runs online intimacy tutorials and retreats all over the world for curious couples.

The 44-year-old fitness instructor says her unique practice has given her own sex life a boost, adding: “My sex life has improved radically and when I started weight lifting with my vagina my partner noticed the difference immediately. I can have multiple orgasms, I’d say ten or fifteen orgasms in a row.

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“I can have an energy orgasm, which means an orgasm with takes place without touch, meaning I can have sex with my partner when he’s on the other side of the room or even on the other side of the planet. So even hearing his voice or just thinking about him, I can have an orgasm.”

Kim divides her time between tropical beaches, boats and villas in Los Angeles, Vancouver Bali and Indonesia

She has studied Tantric sex, Taoist philosophy, meditation and herbal medicine on her quest for greater sexual understanding.

She is adamant there is nothing exhibitionist about her gynecological gymnastic fitness scheme and is passionate in her belief that practicing vaginal Kung Fu will boost even the most jaded of sex lives.

“I can have an energy orgasm, which means an orgasm with takes place without touch, meaning I can have sex with my partner when he’s on the other side of the room or even on the other side of the planet. So even hearing his voice or just thinking about him, I can have an orgasm.”

Kim divides her time between tropical beaches, boats and villas in Los Angeles, Vancouver Bali and Indonesia

She has studied Tantric sex, Taoist philosophy, meditation and herbal medicine on her quest for greater sexual understanding.

She is adamant there is nothing exhibitionist about her gynecological gymnastic fitness scheme and is passionate in her belief that practicing vaginal Kung Fu will boost even the most jaded of sex lives.

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She said: “I really want people to transform from the inside out and what I’ve seen over and over again is that how we show up in bed is how we show up in life and you can actually change a lot of about your life when you examine your sexual expression and you try to shift and change patterns that you have and reconnect to your sexual self.

“Kung Fu is the study and mastery of something and in vaginal Kung Fu we’re looking at it as a sexual martial art. In my work I’m teaching women to have ultimate mastery over their vagina. When you achieve a physically strong vagina you’re more emotionally attuned to yourself as a sexual being and you’re able to wield that power.

“My programme is an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual reboot for the vagina. When women reconnect to the vagina by strengthening it and waking it up, which is what we do in the vaginal weight lifting and Kung Fu practice, the end and more far reaching result is that they integrate more of who they are; their sexual being into themselves.”

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Her technique is simple and uses a jade egg with a hole drilled in it and loop of string attached.

She said: “You can just put a jade egg into your vagina, attach a bag and off you go. It’s a brilliant domestic tool I’m telling you. The sky is the limit. I’m fond of kitchen appliances because they’re easier to loop things onto and coffee tables are great too.

“I’m looking at one in front of me that probably weighs about 60lb so I wouldn’t be lifting that but there are a couple of smaller ones in the room and those would be fine. The things I can lift right now are hovering round the 10lb mark.”

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Kim says she has no desire to a Russian vaginal weight lifting champion called Tatania Kosnakova, who claims she can lift 30lb.

She said: “That’s like lifting a two year-old child and I have a long way to go but to be honest it isn’t a big goal of mine to actually overtake her. I feel like I may let her retain the title and I’ll just continue to focus on other things but I think it’s great that she has held that record and she’s a great inspiration for us all.

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“For me, I’m just pretty keen to have an extra way to carry my grocery bags and I have done that. Anyone can with the right training so if you ever need help with your groceries you don’t need the checkout person to help you.”

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Kim is keen to spread the vaginal Kung Fu gospel to as many people as possible and her instagram campaign #thingsiliftwithmyvagina where she photographs herself lifting various indigenous objects with her vagina in glamourous locations all over the world has thousands of followers.

Her online photo album shows her lifting a dizzying array of objects with her vagina including surfboards, gym weights and amethysts crystals in LA and coconuts, shells and bananas in Bali.

She admits it’s a bit tongue in cheek and said: “I wanted to do something humorous and fun but still aesthetically pleasing. It’s my way of being provocative and playful yet educational about the power of the vagina,” argues Kim who admits that her Oscar themed photo shoot on Hollywood Boulevard has attracted a phenomenal amount of attention.

“That was great fun. It was Oscar time and we had the idea that it would be great to lift an Oscar and we eventually decided to shoot it over the star of Hedy Lamarr, who was the first performer to have an orgasm on screen in a 1933 film called Ecstasy.

“I just thought, ‘this is perfect; Hedy’s got beauty, brains and a vagina.’ It had it all and the public in Hollywood didn’t quite know what to make of this women in a sexy cocktail dress and high heels with this Oscar hanging between her legs but I’ve had no problems with the authorities and people have embraced the idea wherever I’ve been.”

Kim’s sexual adventures are going from strength to strength and she plans to bring the #thingsiliftwithmyvagina craze across the Atlantic this summer.

She said: “I’m definitely planning a European tour this summer and I’ll be coming to Spain, Italy, Germany and the UK and I’m thinking of holding a contest for the best suggestions for objects indigenous to those countries that I can lift with my vagina and autographing the winning entry as a prize.

“London is on my list too and I’d like to take a photograph of me lifting something in the Tate Modern maybe a sculpture or something or perhaps something to do with the British drinking culture. I’m always open to suggestions so please get in touch.”

Source: The Mirror


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