Dear Mimsters: I Am a Slave to My Husband, I Need Help Desperately

Hello Mimsters, I have been reading helpful comments here and I need help desperately.
By 27th December I will be 14 years in a marriage I can’t describe.We have 3 children together.
My husband doesn’t talk to me if the bills are not paid and until I pay them before I am a considered a good wife. When i didn’t have a job, it was hell on earth. It was constant beatings and humiliation.
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When I started working and was promoted in 2013, I paid all the bills in good time until I could no longer handle it alone. Initially he made it seem I was making an investment for the family, until I realized that the all the documents excluded me.
This has made me shut down my life and social life for my kids. I collect loans, borrow, buy items on credit even borrow. These periods are never ending. I cannot remember when last there was fun in this house. I have tried talking to him on several occasions but the last one earned me a beating.
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I feel like a slave. I have spoken to pastors, lawyers, family members and social groups yet I can’t get a solution to these problems. The way he interacts with me in the home is like one relating to his colleagues. There is no romance and laughter in my home.
I dare not try to hold his hands outside nor talk with him in public because it would be a show down.
How can i get out of this hell.
Separate from him asap and then get a divorce.
Well said.
Keep praying, endure and do all you do without grudges and without expecting praises or thanks in return. Meanwhile, as you do all of these, take care of yourself ( I mean your health). Ignore him. You have kids, make them your friends. They will grow up and appreciate all you have done. I am sure they see and understand all that is happening in the house. You will enjoy at the end. Please, don’t leave. Take care of your kids.
Separate from him if you can’t keep up anymore.