Dear MIMsters: My Husband Irritates Me Now and It Has Nothing to do with Cheating.

My husband irritates me now and it is not because he cheats, at least, not to the best of my knowledge.
I have been married for 5 years now and my husband hit me for the first time. I wouldn’t say first time actually this is the second time.
The first was 2 years ago when I was pregnant and we had a little argument. I can’t remember what the arguement was about and I hit him (not hard though) because we were both seated. He got angry stood up and hit me back and kicked me, not minding I was pregnant oh.
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Since then, he never did hit me again until yesterday. We were arguing about calls and I said I never give out my number to anyone. I told him that I don’t even have a friend that I was going to start giving out my number, that at least my phone should ring once in a while.
I told him that I usually don’t give out my number to people who ask because I considered it wrong because I’m now married. But now, I no longer see the big deal. So, I was going on and on about it when he told me to stop. He then threatened to slap me if I don’t stop and before I could say Jack, he threw his new Samsung phone at me but I dodged it.
Then he stood up and tried to slap my face, I dodged again, covering my face with my hand. Then he kicked me and walked away. I packed my bags and I told him I would tell my family. He started begging me.
Before I forget, my husband is usually very caring and nice. He helps with household chores and provides for us. The only problem I see he has is his temper.
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Please help me as I don’t know what to do. Right now, I hate him. Everything he does irritates me and I started getting irritated with him long before the he hit me because he developed this new habit of nagging me all the time. I started doing the same to him. I also noticed that I get irritated with him even when I don’t want to.
You guys need a break. So take a break from him for as much as you want and see you stop hating him. Besides you need to start talking to him about this hitting you attitude of his. If you stay quiet about it, he will continue.
Then give him space for now before one of you kills the other.