TROUBLE! Married Man Brings Side Chic Home to Babysit His Kids as Wife Travels | Find Out What Happened Next

A Twitter user identified simply as Oshare revealed how a married man invited his girlfriend to look after the affairs of his home after his wife traveled.
According to Oshare, the wife’s friend had seen the video shared by the alleged girlfriend charged with the responsibility of watching after the couple’s children as she fed them in the kitchen. This video was shared on WhatsApp.
READ ALSO: Scorned ‘Side Chic’ Exposes Married Lover to Wife
Read the story below as shared on Twitter.
”How will your wife travel then you bring your side chick home to look after your kids… Side chick is now making Whatsapp status videos of herself in the kitchen feeding your kids, wife’s friend sees video & tells wife. Happening in my compound now. ????????????.”
Some people think what the man did was right because he was trying to look out for his kids while others have criticized the man badly for disrespecting his wife.
READ ALSO: Watch: Married Woman Thinks ‘Side Chicks’ are Important & Should Be Recognised!
Read comments below…
”Its some women that shameless destroy marriages and relationships!
”The kids are for both of you. You are meant to help each other. Because she has kids with you she can’t do biz and make her own money anymore? A man that can’t hold and look after his own children once in a while, is that a man?”
”This is what happens when a slay queen???? can’t stay off Snapchat for a minute ???????? kitchen duties on point.”
”I don’t understand! So a man cannot watch is own children of his wife travels? I’m sure the woman must have put food and every other thing in place before living.”
Useless man. So he can’t watch his kids himself while his wife is away? And disrespecting her by bringing his side chick their matrimonial home.