Dear MIMsters: I Thought My Childhood Friend’s Marriage Was All Rosy Until This Happened (Part Two)

Continued from Part One
I walked up to Dele’s car side, tapped on the window and demanded that he opened the door. I dazed the girl with a slap and sent her away, then I faced my husband and I gave him a piece of my mind, albeit very loudly.
Then he slapped me! Dele slapped me claiming that I provoked him into doing so. With tears in my eyes, I put a call through to Rita, and immediately she was by my side. She followed me home to pick some of my things and drove me to a hotel closer to her house to stay. I had thought she was taking me to her home but she said it was better I was somewhere that Dele would not be able to access me easily.
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Dele has been calling me non-stop but I can’t find it within me to forgive him yet.
I have stayed in this hotel for two weeks now. Dele has not stopped calling but I have not decided if I want him back yet. The sweetest part of this whole thing to me is that my friend is solidly behind me, in all of this.
Last night, I went to the hotel lobby to pick some things and I saw George strolling in with a lady on his arms. I was shocked! I called Rita to inform her and I asked her to come down to the hotel immediately so that she could catch George red-handed but she refused. She said she would deal with him when he gets back.
I was angry! Not with my friend but at the useless men we married. How could they be this depraved?
When Rita did not call me back after George must have gotten home, I decided to call her. It was George who answered her phone.
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“Stay away from my wife you loser! I knew it was you who informed her. I knew that was the hotel she used my money to book for you. You are just a big fool. If you know the truth, you will pack your stuffs and go back to your husband before it’s too late”, George yelled at me over the phone.
I couldn’t even respond to him. I picked my keys and drove down to Rita’s house to lend a hand to her like she did me.
I am yet to recover from the sight I met there!
George who was obviously drunk had beaten Rita silly. I gathered her in my arms. I told her all was going to be fine, and asked that we should pick some of her stuffs so that she could leave her home like she helped me do.
Rita said to me, “Marriage is for better for worse, Ese. I cannot leave my home because of this minor issue. Do you want another woman to come into my home and snatch my husband from me? Please, go home, dear. Go and mend what is left of your marriage. Your husband is not the worst of all men.”
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I also found out that it was a normal thing for George to be seen with other girls, and that Rita dared not confront him for the fear of being beaten. So I asked her why she never told me. I asked her why she lied to me about her marriage. I asked her why she helped me pack my things out of my own home. And all Rita could say to me was, “You complain too much about your marriage, and I felt that you needed to leave so that you would appreciate what you have more. Ese, go back to your home before it’s too late.”