Dear MIMsters: My Stepmom Said I Won’t Make It But Here I Am
by MIS Editor
January 5, 2019

This post is to inspire someone in my shoe not to give up. If there’s life, there’s hope. My stepmom said I won’t make it but here I am.
My mum gave birth to me out of wedlock. Infact, my dad has 3 children from 3 different women and I happen to be the last among the children he had out of wedlock.
Later, he remarried. His wife dealt with and would call us bastards. She would starve and insult us, won’t give us fresh food to eat, always leftovers.
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I wrote common entrance for a boarding school and passed but she said boarding schools are not for bastards. She convinced my dad not to allow me go. I cried my eyes out but there was nothing I could do because my mum died when I was 10 years old. I ended up attending the secondary school they wanted me to go. I wept everyday.
She told people that I am her househelp. Sad thing was, I actually looked like one. Unkempt, poor clothes, bushy hair. If my dad gives her money to buy clothes for us she would buy a cheap and ugly clothes and use the rest for her own children. M dad was not poor then.
I was depressed and frustrated and it affected my studies. It also affected my self esteem and self confidence.
I would wake up 5 a.m to cook and sweep our compound and go to school afterwards with an empty stomach. She told me that nothing good will come out of me and that I would end up like my sister.
One day, my dad travelled and she refused to give us food. My sister went to eat from the pot and she caught my sister and accused her of stealing meat from her pot of soup. After flogging my sister, she sent her away to go and bring her meat. My sister slept in the bush for three days before a woman brought her home that she saw her crying in the bush. Meanwhile, according to my sister, a guy raped her twice in the bush. My sister took in and my dad sent her away from home. My stepmom was happy. She the same thing would happen to me but I said it won’t.
When it was time to buy JAMB form, she said I should go to a Polytechnic instead, but I told her that instead I won’t go to a University. Her hatred for me increased to the maximum. She said she would use the JAMB form to wipe her buttocks that I won’t pass. I studied hard and scored 214 and by God’s grace, I got admission into the University. She said I won’t graduate that I’m dull but as God would have it, I didn’t spend an extra day in school. I graduated with my mates and she was surprised.
Each time I think about my sister and how she has destroyed her destiny, I feel bitter and angry. She and her friends vowed that I won’t get married. So, each time a mate if mine is getting married, she would make jest of me. Meanwhile, I’m just 26. I’m not bothered because when it’s God’s time, he will make it happen. She did a lot of things to us that I can’t even type. She turned my dad’s mind against us but my joy is my dad has never refused to pay our school fees nor buy books for us, I’m so happy about that.
My dad is very proud of me now because I am the first graduate in his entire family. I’ve not found a job yet but things are a bit better and I know that God will settle me soon in all ramifications. If you are somewhat in my shoes, please be patient and be prayerful. You too will smile in the end.