Interesting New Study Finds That A Quarter Of Expectant Dads Go Through ‘Pregmancy’| See Details

A quarter of expectant fathers now go through their own ‘pregmancy’ as they suffer their own symptoms such as food cravings and morning sickness, a new study has found. Modern men have shifted from so closely involved with their partner’s pregnancy that 23 percent report emotional and physical changes often associated with women.
The research found they become more emotional, ‘weepy‘, and suffer mood swings, nausea, and even phantom pregnancy pains. Fathers-to-be involved in the study also reported cravings for bizarre food combinations such as tomatoes and oranges, tuna and pickled onions, and pickled eggs and ice pops.
Of those affected, 26 percent experienced mood swings, 10 percent had food cravings and 6 percent felt nausea, which was unconnected to any other illness. Three percent even suffered imaginary pregnancy pains, the study by nappy makers Pampers found.
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Experts say the strange phenomenon is due to the emotional upheaval men also go through during their partners pregnancy and more of them attending antenatal classes and scans.
A third of men, 36 percent, felt “more emotional” while their partner was pregnant, with 8 percent becoming “weepy” while watching a soppy movie for the first time.
Many reported other emotions more traditionally associated with expectant mothers, with 56 percent feeling increased nesting instincts, such as the need to decorate and tidy.
Meanwhile, 74 percent, felt “more protective” of their partner and 80 percent felt more responsibility to be the “strong provider”. Matthew Downing, 32, whose wife gave birth to their first child last December, said he underwent unexpected changes during the pregnancy.
The shop worker, from Dover, Kent, said:
“My wife thought I was going mad when I developed cravings for apples and marmite and started getting emotional during soppy films.
I spoke to her midwife about it when we went for a scan and was reassured I was OK.
I had wanted a child for years so when we conceived I did everything I could to get involved in the pregnancy and birth.
It brought the two of us closer and I found my emotions became very much aligned with hers.”
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Professor Mary Steen, who has been a midwife for 25 years, said:
“Expectant fathers today are more involved during pregnancy and birth than they once were and want to support their partner as best they can. With cultural and societal changes over the last 50 years, it appears more acceptable for them to do so and be more honest and open about their feelings.
Men and women both go through the emotional and physical journey together. Many men now attend the 12 to 14 week ultrasound dating scan where their bond with the child is first formed and they are more likely to attend antenatal classes and the birth.
Involving men in this way helps build a stronger emotional connection with the baby and they learn more about what their partner is going through. It’s perhaps not too surprising therefore that some expectant fathers are so finely tuned to their partner’s physical and emotional changes that they begin to feel them too.
A small percentage of men report nausea and vomiting, disturbed sleep patterns, backache and in extreme cases even labour pains.
Recently, a few expectant fathers have started to discuss these issues with me at antenatal consultations and I have had to reassure them and occasionally refer them to their GP.
“The expectant fathers are adamant their conditions only developed after the conception.”
Prof Steen, who works as a consultant for Pampers, added:
“Many fathers-to-be are overwhelmed by the prospect of becoming a father and need support and reassurance during their partner’s pregnancy.
“The expectant mother will always be the main focus during any pregnancy but it is important to recognise how pregnancy can affect the expectant dad.”