Trouble Getting Over An Ex? Lifestyle Coach, Eva Alordiah Wants You To Try These Tips

Heartbreaks are sometimes a part of the process of finding love and surely a good number of people will experience their fair share of them. Some heartbreaks are definitely tougher to overcome than others, and if you are struggling so much to get over yours, multi-talented rapper and lifestyle coach, Eva Alordiah is positive you can totally get over the hurt.
The 31-year-old shared practical tips to help you move on from mourning the end of a relationship via her Instagram handle. According to her, even though breakups are hard to deal with especially when you have invested a lot of time and commitment, yet, she says the experience can be a good one depending on how you approach your new reality.
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The self-acclaimed energy giver in her post recommends that you quit fighting yourself to hold on to people who do not care to hold on to you. According to her, if you let go of the past and do away with the obsessive thoughts of what could have been, you could learn a lot more about who you were and who you should be going forward.
Read the full text of her post below:
Why is it so Hard for you to Get over your #Ex? Have you thought about this at all or are you simply just deciding that you cannot get over them?
Breakups are hard, especially when you have spent time connecting and building with someone.
Unfortunately sometimes, things end.
They just do.
But it’s up to you to realize when it is time to let go and stop fighting to hold on to things.Do understand that the #Universe will always, always, bring to you that which is good for the nourishing and full evolution of your Soul.
If someone is meant to be in your Life, they will always circle back to you. No matter how long it takes.But right now, you cannot continue to fight, and to grapple and hold on to people especially when they aren’t holding on to you.
All you’ll be doing is picking at the wounds, making the pain worse and delaying your own emotional healing.As bad as Breakups are, they are in fact good for us.
They help us reflect on who we were in the past relationship, and who we want to be moving forward.
Breakups introduce us to a whole new Self that we never before knew existed.So I challenge you today to face yourself, to get back into the sweet rhythm of your life and to Live again.
And stop telling yourself that you cannot get over them, for this is a Lie and Time will prove you wrong.
Stop holding on to the past, stop wishing them back. Because you doing so you cut yourself off from the present moment which is where Life is really happening. In the Now.
Let Time glide you slowly through the stream of Life.
Let time help you Heal.No matter how painful it feels right now, you are going to get over them
See the original post below: