Daddy Freeze Reacts To ROK TV Boss, Mary Nkoju’s Statement That Men Who Pay Bills Are Not Doing Their Wives A Favor

Daddy Freeze has reacted to actress, Mary Remmy Njoku‘s statement that men who pay bills aren’t doing their wives or the mother of their kids a favour.
In a recent post, the ROK TV boss who is married to the co-founder and CEO of iROKOtv Jason Nkoku, had said marriage/parenting is a partnership and men paying bills are simply holding up their end of the bargain.
According to Freeze, he doesn’t agree with the mother-of three’s statement. In his opinion,
”I’m struggling to understand this.
Two people are working, but only one is paying the bills and it’s supposed to be a partnership?
The banality of this in my opinion, suggests a concoction of contradictions, conveying a message which on the one hand recommends partnership, but then on the other, advocates for African men, whilst at the same time seemingly ignoring the benefits of a patriarchal society.
Traditional African men don’t ‘partner’ with their wives, they pay bills and consequently own women, who in return serve them, while tolerating polygamy and concubinage.
Modernization propounds a social scheme denouncing some of the ‘benefits’ of a patricentric system, in favor of a balance in gender roles and privileges.
I find it inequitable to select only the aspects of both constructs that benefit only a particular gender, increasing the responsibilities of the other while depriving them of their dividends.
‘Sharing’ instead of ‘paying’ the bills, would have been more appropriate in my opinion.
READ ALSO: Mary Remmy Njoku’s Thoughtful Note To Men Is A Must Read