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Michelle Obama Opens Up About Daughters, Sasha And Malia’s Dating Lives + Her 30-Year Marriage To Barack

Michelle Obama Opens Up About Daughters, Sasha And Malia’s Dating Lives + Her 30-Year Marriage To Barack

It’s been over a decade since the Obama family became the first family, and life has changed drastically for some of its younger members.

Recently US former First Lady, Michelle Obama opened up about her daughters being all “grown-up” and dating.

During an appearance on the Tuesday, April 19, episode of “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” the 58-year-old mom of two  marveled that her daughters are all grown up and are now bringing home their grown-up boyfriends.

Malia and Sasha Obama were 10 and 7 years old respectively when they first moved to the nation’s capitol. They are now 23 and 20 — living adult lives, their mother shared.

“It was an extra special treat to have them that little bit of time,” Mrs Obama told DeGeneres about their time in quarantine together.

“Because being with them as adults, it’s fun. I love them at every age.” The attorney revealed that Sasha, now in college, is “doing well” and that both were “just amazing young women.”

Michelle further opened up about the girls’ transformation over the years, noting how much they’ve grown up from gushing over boy bands to now having boyfriends.

Obama said:

“They loved the Jonas Brothers. Now they’re bringing grown men home. Before, it was just, like, pop bands. Now they have boyfriends and real lives and all that stuff. They have grown up right before our very eyes, and they are doing well.”

While Michelle gushed about the ‘amazing young women’ her daughters have become — “Women, I know! Scary,” she said — and divulged that they are dating, she was much more discreet about the details of their love lives.

While her younger daughter, Sasha has not been photographed with her boyfriend, older daughter, Malia had been pictured with Rory Farquharson in 2017.

SEE ALSO: Michelle Obama Speaks On The Adjustments In Her Family Since Her Last Child, Sasha Left For College

Rory, is the son of the chief executive of Insight Investment Management Limited Charles, and his wife Catherine, is an accountant.

It’s been over a decade since America was first introduced to Malia and Sasha, and they have returned to living private lives. Obama also opened up about preparing the girls for the transition all those years ago.

She continued:

“I listened to what my mother said when she was raising us. She said, ‘I’m not raising babies; I’m raising real people to be out in the world.’ And I kept that in mind with the girls. I mean, they wouldn’t always be in that bubble of the White House, so they had to learn to make their beds. They had to learn how to drive.

They had to learn how to be compassionate, independent, responsible people so that they entered the world as responsible, compassionate, capable people. And I think they are amazing young women because of that.”

Both Malia and Sasha are currently living in Los Angeles, where Malia has a position on the writing staff of a new Amazon project by Donald Glover and Sasha is reportedly attending the University of Southern California after transferring from Michigan.

Michelle also spoke to Ellen about her 30-year marriage to former President Barack Obama, saying with a smile:

See Also

“I’ve known him for a long time, that guy. He’s been around, hanging out.”

ALSO SEE: What Michelle Obama Recently Shared About Her Marriage Can Help Other Women Fare Better In Theirs

She admitted that his time as president was a ‘hassle,’ but added that it brought them ‘closer’ together. She added:

“It gave us the opportunity to do something outside of ourselves, to serve our country. To do it as a team. I respect him. I know a lot of people miss him right around now.

It gave us the opportunity to do something outside of ourselves, to serve our country. To do it as a team. I respect him. I know a lot of people miss him right around now.

Amazingly, that time in the White House, because we were working on hard things all the time, it brought us closer. We had to be each other’s best friends. We lived in the bubble with each other, had to learn how to get along because he was the person I was seeing all the time.

He is the only person, that, we understand what we both went through. And we have that unique experience.”

As for how he has changed during the 30 years they’ve been married, Michelle made a playful joke:

“He’s pretty good at golf now. He’s doing a lot of golf. Not too good at picking up after himself. Had to have a lot of help doing that. He thinks he’s good at it. But he had a lot of help. He’s gotten a little worse at that.”

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