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This Twitter Stories About Grandparents And Their Grandkids Who Were Conceived Out Of Wedlock Is Everything!

This Twitter Stories About Grandparents And Their Grandkids Who Were Conceived Out Of Wedlock Is Everything!

A few days ago, a young Nigerian lady who had a son out of wedlock shared a heartwarming video of her father bonding with the child (Pictured above).

According to the lady, her dad who is pastor had previously said that he will be very disappointed if she had a child outside of marriage and will not be involved.

Her father’s stand however changed as she shared heartwarming videos of him bonding with his grandchild.

When it comes to their grandchildren, grandparents are always friendly and sweet. In their eyes, the little ones can do no wrong.

You start to wonder if the same parent who raised you is also the same one who wears matching clothes with your kids, spoils them with treats, and scolds you for scolding them when they misbehave. All in all, it’s so nice to see.

Some women who got pregnant out of wedlock or at a young age took to Twitter to share stories of how their children became best friends with their grandparents.

Below is the tweet that started the conversation.

Luna M.N@MphoMoalamedi: “I genuinely want to hear stories from women who got pregnant young or out of wedlock and their parents were upset, but when the babies came, turned around and became besties with the kids.”

See some of the responses below:


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Mom was LIVID. Dad was disappointed but VERY supportive. Child was besties with dad. Mom was still icy but came around & now inseparable with her grandson, a fav for both of them. Word of advice though, if you do have different parenting styles, move out as soon as u can.


This is me. My mom was so mad, her BP shot up. Sometimes she’d just be quiet and not speak to me for days. Almost threw me out. But now, she won’t even let me discipline my child. She gets visibly bored when he goes away for the weekend.

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My mom was mad for half a day. I told her at 5 weeks (the only reason I told her was that baby was high risk so the gyne wanted to terminate if there was no change). She heard high risk and all the anger went away. She’s my baby’s go-to person.
@BrownskinOlori: My mom was disappointed the day she found out (I was 21) but the next day she came back from a work meeting and she had bought baby clothes. My son is her first grandchild and he lives with her now. They’re inseparable.
@Bonnienile: My parents weren’t mad, my grandmother was. She was the one who raised me but she turned around once she saw that everyone else in the family was supporting me.
@Nomatha: I was 21 when I had my son my dad even had a mini stroke with the way he was feeling but now they besties even though we live far apart he makes sure he checks up on umzukulu wakhe and when we visiting they are always together sleeping and everything.
@nthabimzabo: Fell pregnant at 19. My dad didn’t talk to me for 6 months, but then he became the person who was always about his grandson. My mom was also mad but she snapped out of it quicker, paid for private health care throughout the pregnancy and sent me back to school & became a new mom.
@Mimi: My dad lost weight in a day when he found out I’m pregnant, my mom was disappointed .my daughter is their best friend, a spoilt brat.. my gran says she’s thankful for my daughter coz she pulled me out of a rut and actually forced me to go to school and get a degree.
@Bella: I was 23, now it’s all about the baby.. I am moving out but they insisted I leave her cause I won’t be able to take care of her.
@KelecoN: When I first found out I was pregnant with my daughter, I immediately sent my mother a message as she was my go-to person, yohhhhhh she called and swore at me that after that call I never answered her calls, Now her and my daughter are saliva and tongue.
@Mahalelee: My mom was MAD MAD MAD Told her how she wasted money schooling me, how I have embarrassed her, how I have made her the laughing stock of the community, DISAPPOINTMENT!!!! 12 years later (they even sleep together & Gogo named her)
@ZPangwa: Kept my pregnancy a secret for 9 months. Fam found a week before I had to give birth. Dad drove me up and down to the hospital for check ups in that last week. They didn’t get a chance to be mad. The child was here.
@Mologadi: Fell pregnant at 16 while in matric. Mom never spoke to me for the duration of my pregnancy but the day I brought my son home I was not even allowed to bath him.

@Denhle: My dad said I should leave and go where I got that belly, my brother asked that I leave the next week. My mum said I should apologize to my dad and since then my dad too care of me and my son until his last dying day. They were best friends who liked matching outfits.

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