Contraceptives, for a lot of women are an effective way of preventing an unwanted pregnancy,…
Why is family planning all about the woman’s body? A twitter user asks. Katherine Johnson is…
Birth control (contraception) is any method, medicine, or device used to prevent pregnancy. So, once you’re…
Birth control (contraception) is any method, medicine, or device used to prevent pregnancy. Birth control methods like…
Birth control (contraception) is any method, medicine, or device used to prevent pregnancy. But if…
Women who get pregnant while using birth control may carry a gene that breaks down…
A Richmond woman, Joy Finley has narrated how not wanting to get pregnant almost made her…
Ineh Olisah Due to certain factors such as health problems, financial constraints, and the mere…
A Baltimore, Maryland based mom who was left to fight for her life due to…
For a variety of reasons, including unreadiness to start a family, need for child spacing…
Our team of seasoned experts answer all your questions on pregnancy, delivery, children and women’s…
Are you a new mum and wondering what birth control option to settle for? While…
Dawn Stacey With so many options available, choosing the best birth control method for you…
By Ripa Ajmera Throughout the majority of history, women and couples had to count solely…