
Hold Back Your Tongue: 5 Things You Should Never Say To Your Child

  Your child sure knows how to get on your nerves, but you must control…

6 Things You Should Stop Saying While Disciplining Your Child

While trying to enforce discipline, parents often say things that make the child end up…

See Why Nigerian Mum Based In The US Lost Children’s Custody To Government

A US-based Nigerian victim of domestic abuse has lost custody of her children after her…

5 Common Reasons Children Misbehave & What To Do

Though children are quite a handful and tend to put up one draining misbehaviour or…

10 Things Not to Do When Your Toddler Throws a Tantrum (Part 1)

Dolapo Marinho My sister came visiting recently and told me about how her daughter had…

Memoirs of a Mum: Are You Raising Disciplined Children? – Chinwe Kalu

Enforcing discipline is fast taking the back seat in most homes. Or am I old…

Is Spanking Your Child Really Effective? See Top Cons You Should Note

Children have an uncanny way of making even an angel flare-up, and as parents who…

Discipline: Top Things Cool Parents Should Do to Stay Calm

Eyinade Eweje Children are quite a handful. As a parent who constantly has to guide…

5 Things You Need To Know About Parenting

By Ann Wolf I’ve always written my articles geared toward human resources, but having raised…

Experts Reveal Spank-then-cuddle Approach Does Not Work. See Why…

According to a study at Duke University in the US, spanking or punishment should not…

‘You’re as guilty as I am for the life I led’ – Inmate Awaiting Execution Pens Heartfelt Letter to Biological Mum

The very last wish of the death row inmate awaiting execution pictured above was reportedly…

9 Things to Restrain From Saying When Disciplining Your Child

Amy Morin The words you say to your child will have a lasting impact on…

Effective Parenting: Is Your Discipline Firm, Fair And Friendly?

Whatever your child’s age, it’s important to be firm, fair, friendly and consistent when it comes…

Discipline: 6 Tips On Being Consistent

Consistency is vital. Your children need to be able to predict how you will behave…

Are You Bribing Or Rewarding Your Child? Learn the Difference

By Amy Morin Rewards serve as wonderful discipline tools that motivate kids to change their…

12 Scientific Facts About Spanking

Corporal punishment, and spanking in particular, has been a hot debate in the parenting community…

4 Discipline Rules You Should Never Break

By Aaron Anderson Disciplining is tough. You never know if you’re being too hard, too…


  Though kids can be persistent about having their way, parents just have to make…

Tips On Raising A Strong Willed Child

    Children have the tendencies to test and push your boundaries from time to time.…


A-Z STYLE PARENTING What does STYLE mean to you? Fashion and beauty is great, lifestyles…