Is Spanking Your Child Really Effective? See Top Cons You Should Note

Children have an uncanny way of making even an angel flare-up, and as parents who constantly have to curb their excesses, it’s easy to always resort to giving a hot smack on the back, buttocks or worse.
While a lot of experts advocate against this sort of discipline, whether it’s okay to spank children or not remains hot debate among parents. To help you make a more informed decision, find tops cons you should consider below.
1. May not teach the needed lesson. This is especially true with young children as they will likely not see the connection between that hot smack that made them writhe in pain and cry and the misbehaviour you aimed to correct. Talking to them about why such behaviour is bad, what you expect next time and withdrawing a privilege as a consequence may teach the lesson better.
READ ALSO: 7 Ways to Discipline Your Child Without Spanking
2. May fuel rebellion. Older children, especially teens, whose parents have been spanking consistently from childhood will develop a thick skin sooner or later. They feel no motivation to improve their behaviour. They may therefore decide to contravene your rules at will and prepare their minds for the consequent spanking.
3. May lead to child abuse. Out of anger, some parents end up inflicting injuries they later regret on their children, especially if they showed even more defiance during the punishment.
READ ALSO: 12 Scientific Facts About Spanking
4. Builds fear. Hitting your child constantly may eventually ruin chances of developing a quality relationship with them as they may withdraw from you out of fear.
5. Models aggression. Imagine spanking your 5-year-old for hitting his baby sister following a conflict during play. You’ll only get him confused and he may do worse next time. Model good conflict resolution skills to enable your kids pick the right vibes.
So, how can you effectively discipline your child without spanking? The first step is to model the kind of behaviour you expect them to display, set clear rules to guide their behaviour, agree on consequences for misbehaviour and be consistent at enforcing them whenever they err. In place of spanking, talking to them and withholding privileges they are very fond are very good options. Get more effective alternatives to spanking here.
I am not an advocate for spanking kids because I was not spanked/beaten as a child. Even before reading this article, I knew the cons far outweighed the pros. Thanks MIM for enlightening me more.
True talk, not dt okay to spank a child, cos there is tendency dt d child may dislike d parent, disobey rules, beat up d younger ones. But atime we can’t help but to spank, it shouldn’t bd a regular habit
Well for me some behavior requires ‘doctor-do-good’ (lol) while some requires talking. My guide on this has always been that verse in the book of proverbs that says spare the rod and spoil the child. Most times you don’t even need to beat, at the mention of cane the child will behave properly or do the right thing
In today’s world, times has changed, children r getting wilder,more stubborn n insulting. Dont u think most of these would v been avoided if cautioned ealier? Parents are too weak to even rebuke their children. There s nothing wrong in a lil spanking once in a while. They will appreciate in future.
Like they say “too much of anything is bad”, so a little spanking once in a while is ok, better put, only when its absolutely necessary. So why would a 5yr old get confused if spanked for hitting his baby sister? In the first place, hitting his/her baby sister (during a conflict) is clearly a premeditated action, meaning the older kid knows its bad but did it anyway, so a reaction from the parent based on that would in no way get the kid confused joor! We should pipe low on these things,.. or isn’t on here we read a post about an ugly inscription a kid made on his dad’s bathing soap? I bet that father has never raised a finger on that kid yet he/she wrote “I hate dad” on the soap. Take it or leave it, kids would rebel, hate, argue and even fight to have their way sometimes, its part of their growing up, but a parent must as a matter of necessity use the cane only when occasion demands, else, you spare the rod you spoil the child. #MyTake
Thanks for sharing
I don’t really like to spank, i just talk and scream