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Signs That Your Baby’s Cry Means He Is Hungry?

Signs That Your Baby’s Cry Means He Is Hungry?

All babies cry because that is the best way they can communicate their discomforts at this early stage of their lives.

A baby can cry for various reasons. They cry when they are hot, cold, in pain, thirsty or hungry. When it comes to hunger, babies give a lot of cues that they are ready to feed long before they graduate to crying.

The sooner you realise your baby’s communication language, the better for everyone. Sometimes, a care giver would  have had to endure those loud and persistent shrieks of their babies, before they realize that all they want to do is just feed! There are very common signs to figure out a baby’s early signs of hunger:

  • Sucking on lips, tongue, hands, fingers, toes, toys, or clothing 
  • Opening and closing mouth 
  •  Smacking his lips
  • Hitting you on the arm or chest repeatedly 
  • Fidgeting or squirming around a lot 

On the other hand, if you think your baby is hungry, but uncertain, there is no harm in offering your child your breasts or the bottle. They will either accept, or turn away. A baby that is not hungry, might turn away from the source of food, or just not open up to suck at all. It doesn’t damage your milk supply, rather helps to stimulate the friction that causes your uterus to shrink back to its pre-pregnancy size.

Waiting for a baby to cry, before being fed could have some consequences. When you eventually get to feed an overtly hungry baby, he might feed for a little while and fall asleep because he is exhausted, which means he is going to get up in a few hours, and that’s not good for mum. Especially when you have to get to work in a few hours. An angry or upset baby equals a stressed out mum.




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