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Dear MIM: The Rantings of a Frustrated Sister-in-law

Dear MIM: The Rantings of a Frustrated Sister-in-law

I am a frustrated SIL as my brother’s wife is getting on my nerves. I’ve been trying to avoid her. Even though I am older than her, she keeps insulting me at the slightest opportunity.

We live under the same roof because her husband, my brother has some financial issues. She doesn’t wash plates, doesn’t cook, doesn’t sweep the compound. I am the one who does all the chores and when I’m in school, my mum takes over doing the chores. All she does is to bath her children, wash their clothes, feed them and spends the rest of her time watching Zee world, while I go to the market and come home to do the cooking for her, wash her plates, sweep and even help her carry my niece and nephew. She even expects me to serve her husband sometimes.

Sometimes, this girl insults the hell out of my brother who tries to avoid her by going out. Yet, she will pull  him back for more insults and when my brother lays a finger on her, she will call her Mum, her brother, and intact, her village people.

I have been enduring this because I will soon go back to school. Lord, help me not to lay my hands on her.
Please MIMSTERs, how best can I avoid her?

View Comments (2)
  • Keep avoiding her by staying on your own and try not to cross her path until you go to school.

  • see her as a child…a foolish one at dat….keep ignoring her….

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