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10 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Middle Child (Part one)

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Middle Child (Part one)

Mark Wealth

There are a lot of negative stereotypes about middle born kids floating around the grapevine but are they true? I mean, when you hear that Abraham Lincoln, Bill Gates and Donald Trump are middle born, you kind of want to look at these stereotypes again, right?

We have done a little research and we came up with a list of ten honest attributes of the awesome middle born Earthlings.

1. Independent Individuals

Of course independence is not exclusive to the middle born kid, it’s just that when they get younger siblings, their parents are either fussing over the new arrival or giving the firstborn orientation on how to take care of the younger ones…or something. It’s not that the parents dislike them either. They’re just preoccupied leaving the middle born to carve their paths through childhood with less scrutiny.

SEE ALSO:10 Things You Should Know About Firstborns (Part One)

2. They Tend To Be Opposites of The Firstborn

Experts don’t know why but the middle born usually wants to grow in the opposite direction the first born is going. If the older is interested I  studying sciences, the mid-born wants to study social science or art. If the first born is a “law abiding” kid, the middle born chooses the path of the rebel. They’re not bad per se, just seeking a little attention.

3. They Are Adventurous

Maybe it’s because they aren’t being micro managed or because they are in between the older and younger ‘worlds’, middle born kids are usually open to trying out new things or going to new places. Maybe that’s why some regard them as stubborn: because they don’t stop because mom or aunt said to stop.

4. They Are Good Intercessors

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They understand the older child because she was once their only friend and loves the younger because they were once the baby of the house. As a result, they are able and sincerely willing to make peace between the two whenever there’s a conflict. If push comes to shove, they may choose to protect the younger.

SEE ALSO:5 Things to Consider to Successful Raise a Child as a Single Mum

5. They Are Good Team Players

They not crazy about being the boss and neither are they looking for anyone to make a fuss over them. As long as you give them space to do their thing, they can cooperate with siblings, classmates or neighbourhood friends when there’s a cause. Be it a party, a game or some work; count on the middle born to play their role and work for the greater good.

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