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Breaking News: 15 Out Of The 200 Girls Kidnapped By Boko Haram Escape

Breaking News: 15 Out Of The 200 Girls Kidnapped By Boko Haram Escape

New report reveals that out of the 200 girls who were reportedly kidnapped by the Nigerian terrorist group, Boko Haram, 15 of the girls have escaped. Continue to read more

According to AFP, the girls jumped off lorry and escaped into the bush when one of the four lorries used to convey the girls had a breakdown. While the men, were trying to fixing the lorry, the girls seized that opportunity to escape.

One of the girls who fled told AFP,
“They tried to fix it. It was at this moment that some of us jumped out of the vehicle and ran into the bush”.

There are also reports that some Military personnel are currently on the search for the kidnapped girls following the tracks of the terrorist’s vehicles.

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“They are now combing the forest to rescue the girls. They are being aided by surveillance helicopters” said Senator Alli Ndume, the senator from that region.

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