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How To Put Your Frightened Toddler At Ease In These Situations (Part 2)

How To Put Your Frightened Toddler At Ease In These Situations (Part 2)

Continued from Part 1

5. Separation

Toddlers really don’t understand why you have to leave and once you’re out of sight, they are frightened you may never come back. Like most toddler fears, he will soon outgrow this but in the meantime, practise being away from each other, leaving him with a trusted and familiar person, don’t sneak out as this leads to distrust, get him engaged in an activity he loves with a promise to be back soon before leaving, ask him what he’ll like you to get for him, tell him interesting things you’ll do together when you’re back and say your goodbyes sweetly but quickly.

6. Dogs

Dogs are often loud, swift, and quite fickle. Their imposing look can make toddlers, and even some older kids and adults, shiver with fright. Respect your child’s fear of strange dogs; his instincts may be right. In the same vein, give him time to get comfortable with the ones in your home. For a start, let him know they are pets, tell him the purpose they serve, have him watch you interacting with them from a distance, and after sometime, see if you can both approach them together. Don’t force him to move closer than he wants to, and if he refuses to come at all, let him be. Try again some other time and with time, he might just surprise you.

7. Toilets and Bathrooms

Your tot doesn’t understand the mechanism behind those loud flushes in the toilet. To allay his fears of falling into the closet and probably getting flushed with his poo, have him practise how to use the toilet in a playful manner. You may have him flush bits of toilet paper under your keen supervision. You should also install a child seat or step stool to reduce the fear of falling in.

He’s probably upset about bathing in the tub because he feels if that drain in the tub can ‘swallow’ such large amounts of water, why not him? To curb this, introduce lots of water related play activities and drain water when he’s out of the tub.

8. Hospital

The last thing most toddlers want to do is go to the doctor for a routine vaccination or check up. Even when they are ill, they beg and cry not to because of that man in a white coat with the cold stethoscope. As far as they are concerned, all he does is inflict more pain by drawing blood samples through their veins and prescribing foul smelling drugs and painful injections. Validate your toddler’s claims showing lots of sympathy and letting him know those procedures are necessary to help the doctor get rid of his ailment. Reading stories about going to the doctor and getting him a doctor’s kit for pretend play with his favourite stuffed animal also help. Getting him to watch Disney’s Doc Mcstuffins may also help. Your child may always dread going to the doctor’s (like some adults do), but can learn to deal with it over time if you and his doctor show enough sensitivity and support. Don’t forget to praise his little cooperative efforts along the way.

Your toddler’s fears won’t vanish overnight, so it’s important that you exercise lots of patience. Don’t hesitate to seek advice from other experienced parents, there will definitely be a lot more to learn. However, if you try all you can and he gets even worse, talk to a doctor or child psychologist.

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