Amazing Moment Woman Breastfeeds Hungry Baby Abandoned On the Street

An incredible moment a woman who had only just given birth to her baby found a starving baby abandoned on the street in China, and proceeded to breastfeed her.
According to Dailymail, the unnamed mother, who is 26-years old, volunteered to breastfeed the child who is thought to have been just a few days old.
The baby was first discovered by a passerby on a street at Beiwei village in Xianyang city, north-west China’s Shaanxi province, on May 11, 2016.
Reports gathered claimed that a woman named Wei, who worked at a local property company, saw a storage box outside her company at around 8 am last week Wednesday. At first, she thought it was just rubbish and did not check further.
Few minutes later, Wei heard a baby crying and then she realised that it was coming from the storage box. The voice of the hungry baby attracted some passersby who opened the box and found the baby girl wrapped in bedding with around half a bag of milk and 100 yuan (£10).
The newborn seemed unharmed which prompted onlookers to pull her out of the sun and looked around for some water for her when they realised that she was hungry.
Luckily for the baby, a passing young woman, who happened to be a new mother, carefully put the baby in her arms, sat down in the corner and breastfed the child to give her some much-needed milk and to stop her from crying.
Xianyang City Public Security Bureau said authorities arrived at the scene to see the child lying quietly in the young mother’s arms with many passersby stuffing money in the baby’s sleeves.
According to social welfare workers in Xianyang City, the baby has suspected cerebral palsy and possibly other conditions that will require further examinations.
The child has been taken to the Xianyang City Social Welfare institute.
Local police are investigating the case further.
The story has gained a lot of attention and comments from people on social media, hailing the woman as the ‘most beautiful mother’.
‘Sui feng qu envy’ said: ‘She is indeed the most beautiful mother’.
‘Mo lu yi wang’ wrote: ‘Praise this mother’.
On the contrary, ‘Chao xiao wu mao zhi shang’ commented: ‘[She] is kind, but her behaviour is not appropriate.
‘Breastfeeding can carry several diseases.
‘Had the baby been abandoned due to a serious infectious disease, then this mother and her child would be exposed to the disease too’.
Photo credit: The People’s Day Online
Awwwww good Samaritan.
Wow!.. A heart of gold she has… God so bless her.
She really tried by taking such risk. Kudos to her
nice heart
She really saved d baby
She’s God sent.
God bless her
She’s courageous. God bless her
That was a huge risk at the detriment of her baby’s health.
She did well. May God bless her
Oh what a sweet woman. Remain blessed
Human beings, who still dumps a life human being in 2016?
It’s truly risky,buh 4 d fact dt she helped a bby dt needed care n attention,almighty God wunt allow sickness or disease befall her. He s a God of mercy n compassion.may God bless u plenty ,amen.
A practical good Samaritan. No sickness whatsoever will befall her and her baby. Kudos beloved.
She saved a life, that’s the most important thing! God will bless her, and protect her baby. She’s a ‘mother’ indeed!!
Good woman
Awww so touched by this,she took a risk here,
God bless her