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NANNY TO THE RESCUE: What Kind Of Foods are Appropriate for My 9 Month Old Baby?

NANNY TO THE RESCUE: What Kind Of Foods are Appropriate for My 9 Month Old Baby?

Q: What kind foods are appropriate for my 9 months old baby? Are there guidelines to help me serve sufficient portions?

A: You should offer babies tasty foods that are soft in texture to buy their interest and avoid indigestion. Banana, yoghurt, and mixed pureed fruits are healthy snacks you should try. Give your baby one new food or snack at a time using the following guideline:





6–8 months

Start with thick porridge, well mashed foods

Continue with mashed family foods

2–3 meals per day, plus frequent breastfeeds

Depending on the child’s appetite, 1–2 snacks may be offered

Start with 2–3 tablespoonfuls per feed, increasing gradually to ½ of a 250 ml cup

9–11 months

Finely chopped or mashed foods, and foods that baby can pick up

3–4 meals per day, plus milk

Depending on the child’s appetite, 1–2 snacks may be offered

See Also

½ of a 250 ml cup/bowl

12–23 months

Family foods, chopped or mashed if necessary

3–4 meals per day, plus milk

Depending on the child’s appetite, 1–2 snacks may be offered

¾ to full 250 ml cup/bowl

Note: If baby is not breastfed, give in addition: 1–2 cups of milk per day, and 1–2 extra meals per day.

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Wait a few days after you give a new food before introducing another to note any allergic reaction. If you notice any, you should stop giving the food immediately and consult your  paediatrician.

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