See Text Messages Daddy Freeze Allegedly Sent his Now Fiancee in 2013 While Still Married to Opeyemi

Hell was let loose earlier in April this year, when an anonymous Twitter and Instagram user, Andela Smith made shocking allegations against controversial media personality, Daddy Freeze. Cool FM’s OAP was alleged to have impregnated his current fiancee, Benedicta Elechi, a supposedly married woman (read here).
Well, it seems Andela is still on his case as she has currently released more dirt. She posted screenshot of text messages which she claims were sent by Freeze to Benedicta in 2013, at a time the duo were still married to their respective spouses.
She also said that Freeze didn’t meet his fiancee 4 months after his marriage ended as he claimed.
See her posts below…
You see, the problem with people who lie a lot is that, they live in denial and believe that they can’t be caught. I promised to release hard evidences about @daddyfreeze but I was laughed at and rebuked by people who thought I was witch-hunting him. Look, if you know a little of what Freeze has done in the past few years, you will feel nothing but anger.
My anger isn’t even coming from his atrocities. My anger stems from the fact that he begins to elevate himself as one ‘savior’, misleading gullible people and insulting men of God.
@daddyfreeze’s wife left him in 2014. These are text messages between him and his shameless ‘bae’, Benedicta in 2013 (take note of the date) while they were both legally married to their various spouses. A legally married woman with 4 kids.
Freeze came online to LIE about meeting Benedicta 4 months after his ex-wife left him. Are we fools? This should tell you all that @daddyfreeze was sleeping with Benedicta in her husband’s house in PH, impregnated her right on her matrimonial bed and plotted to scatter their marriages to be together.
READ ALSO: UPDATE: Freeze Debunks Allegations of Domestic Violence and Infidelity by his Ex-wife Opeyemi| WATCH
READ ALSO: Daddy Freeze Says he Will Never Cheat on his Fiancee…Find Out Why
She continues;
”This is a text message from bae’s friend asking her if she has spoken to @daddyfreeze. Take note of the date. Can you see the extent of unapologetic adultery going on here? Her friends were also in on it. Maybe they advised her to go ahead. More reasons why you should watch the kind of friends you keep. #RevealTruth”
READ ALSO: OAP Freeze And OAP Do2dtun Trade Words Over ‘Whose Better, A Yoruba Or Igbo Wife?’
”Interestingly, House on the rock cathedral Lekki was one of the venue for their ungodly and mischievous acts. A broadcast message from House On The Rock Lekki to Church members including @daddyfreeze to attend house on the rock thanksgiving dinner for Nollywood. Guess who he forwarded it to? Yep! His bae, while his wife was at home. Someone who preaches vehemently against the churches was using the church as a meeting point for his adulterous activities. What a bloody shame!
This is just the beginning of many more evidences that I will let out about Mr. #FreetheSheeple if he does not change his ways and stop insulting Men of God. Please I dare you or your ‘sweetheart’ Benedicta to deny them and I’ll unleash many more shocking details about both of you.”
”Just in case you all are in doubt over the credibility of the message, these pictures show the two different sender numbers (Zain Ifemi and MTN Ifemi) on truecaller. The two phone numbers clearly belong to @daddyfreeze. If you don’t believe me, do a truecaller search and see for yourselves.
Watchout! A new generation of people are arising. People who ask the REAL QUESTIONS. People who see beyond the charade of glitz and glamour and demand accountability. Freeze has made it his ambition to talk ill of people and also insult Pastors who did him no harm and touch people’s lives in so many ways.Well, remove the log of wood from your eyes before you remove the spec from another man’s eye. I’ll make a scapegoat out of @daddyfreeze. The platform which has given him the voice to talk crazy things about people will also be used against him. #RevealTruth”
Photo credit: Instagram
Hmmmmmm na wa oh…
None of my business.