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Carlee Benear Reveals the Effect of Yoga On Her Body During Pregnancy, Childbirth And All

Carlee Benear Reveals the Effect of Yoga On Her Body During Pregnancy, Childbirth And All

A 31-year-old mom-of-3 was pictured breastfeeding her 2-year-old daughter while practicing yoga. In an interview with Daily Mail UK, Carlee Benear from Texas revealed how breastfeeding Maramaylee, her youngest daughter while practising yoga has helped her ‘connect’ with her body.

Carlee also described how little Maramaylee would walk up to her while she’s holding various positions, before latching on to her breast.

Carlee said she first took up yoga after the birth of her second child, having struggled with postpartum depression following her first birth.

The super mom likewise continued doing yoga throughout her third pregnancy, describing how it helped her morning sickness and helped her find a greater connection to her unborn daughter.

Explaining why she breastfeeds Maramaylee while doing yoga, Carlee said it’s helped her to enjoy breastfeeding while being in the moment.

READ ALSO: Yoga Mom, Kokobie, Shares Her Birth Story and Why She Took Up Yoga

”Holding poses and breathing while nursing helps me connect with my body and be more present. Anything can be challenging if you let your mind get in the way.

I think that’s one of the things breastfeeding yoga has helped me move past and it’s helped me to believe in myself again. Staying in poses is big in yoga as it helps you be in your body and connect with your body during the ups and downs of breastfeeding.”

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She added:

”I am always aware of my daughter around me and I adjust my flow to her because she loves to sneak snacks at any time, so I need to be ready for her to pounce. There is good in this because it is yet another reminder to be present.

Now, yoga helps me be the mother I always dreamed of being because I can enjoy every moment to the best of my abilities.”

”I got into yoga after the birth of my second child because my first battle with postpartum depression was terrible. I wanted to connect more with myself as the transition into motherhood can make you feel like you lose yourself, or that you’re turning into a new person with new responsibilities.
One of the benefits of doing yoga is the ability to slow down and enjoy life again in such a fast-paced world. We raise our kids with this pace and it’s more damaging than it is helpful to them for the real world.
Yoga showed me patience with myself and patience with my family as well as for everyone I interacted with. The practice also helps you see things differently. We are often so fast to react, we forget that this is not a race and we can sit and think before we take action.”
On continuing with yoga while she was pregnant with Maramaylee, Carlee said:
”Yoga was the only way I survived my pregnancy. Even when I didn’t feel like getting on my mat, it always made me feel better and ready to handle the day with a fresh face.
It also helped me build confidence in my body and my ability to birth a life, while also helping me stay in tune with my needs for recovery. Pregnancy is such a precious time and you’re never more in tune with your body, so what better time to explore how big the heart is, or how open the body is becoming?
Yoga during pregnancy gave me a connection with my daughter that I’d never experienced before.”
The yoga mom admits she’s had a mixed reaction on her Instagram feed (@carleebyoga) about her ‘breastfeeding yoga’, but said that doesn’t matter to her because it’s become such an important part of motherhood to her.
”It really helps show the power of a mother and her ability to do great things for herself and her family at the same time.
Multitasking is great, but I don’t think it should be used for everything all the time. We do still enjoy sitting down and nursing while gazing into each other’s eyes too.
As far as what others say, there are good things and bad things that can be said about everything. What matters is what you think and how you feel because you live your own life, no one else can do that for you.”
Carlee said she never expected to still be breastfeeding her youngest @ 2 but that she is happy to have reached this milestone.
”I will carry on nursing for as long as we both enjoy this bonding experience for. My daughter is even trying to master doing yoga and eating now, it’s quite entertaining.
We stop, drop and yoga through the tough times in our house. When we do yoga, its a few moments to stop, breathe and believe. I do yoga whenever I struggle as a mother, which is daily. It’s not always picture perfect, recorded or easy, but it is necessary for me to survive and thrive.”
Photo credit: Carlee Benear/ MDWfeatures

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